It is “normal” to be anxious during any crisis. The coronavirus is an invisible enemy and makes us feel vulnerable.
For some people, this vulnerability can badly affect us and cause mental health issues.
While it’s important to remain calm and to get on with life within the advice of our medical services, it’s not easy.
If you are feeling very overwhelmed, anxious and cannot seem to get the fear of the coronavirus out of your thoughts, please don’t suffer alone.
You can contact me here if you really feel you are not coping.
Try to establish a routine every day. If you are on the internet don’t check the updates numerous times a day. Try to find a course on the internet that you have always wanted to take! Or a hobby that is available.
For those of us with autoimmune diseases, we have to manage being at home 24/7 but you can use the phone or call people via Skype, Zoom etc
Don’t suffer alone! This is particularly true for those with mental health issues. Even those who don’t, we can feel very overwhelmed.
Feel free to contact me if you need to talk.
Stay safe and be well. We will get through this difficult period,