I have incurable lung cancer and currently undergoing immunotherapy treatment. Am due a ct staging scan on Monday and see the consultant in about 3 weeks. If the consultant says they are stopping the immunotherapy, what alternative treatments could be offered? Or will they just say that there's nothing more they can do for me
Cough: I have incurable lung cancer and... - The Roy Castle Lu...

Hi arthurpops
Immunotherapy, if stopped, can continue to work for a few months within the body. It depends on what type of lung cancer you have and staging as to what other treatment options there may be, e.g. chemotherapy or radiotherapy. Sometimes they do another follow up scan and then decide.
It also depends on what treatment options you have had already - if you would like to provide more information on your type and staging of lung cancer, you can email it to our ask the nurse at lungcancerhelp@roycastle.org
It may feel like an anxious long 3 weeks to wait to get answers and I do hope your scan goes well.
If you would like to discuss anything you can call our ask the nurse team on 0800 358 7200 Monday to Thursday 0900-1700 and Friday 0900-1600, alternatively you can email us at lungcancerhelp@roycastle.org
All the very best
Ask the nurse support team
The Roy Castle Lung Cancer Foundation
I might have misunderstood but am a bit anxious about the reply here. I’m just stopping immunotherapy after five and a half years. My understanding was that it could go on working for years, not just months?
Hi Ellejayb
It can different for everyone, some continue to have a response up to 4 months, others can be up to a year. It is an area that they are still collecting data on and it is unknown why some continue to respond after treatment is stopped, with a variable duration of time. However, it is also noted that the longer that you have been on immunotherapy, the immune system for some people, can continue to destroy any cancer cells for that bit longer.
I hope you continue to be well and you are welcome to contact us if you would like to discuss anything. Our ask the nurse helpline is 0800 358 7200 Monday to Thursday 0900-1700 and Friday 0900-1600, alternatively you can email us at lungcancerhelp@roycastle.org
All the very best
Ask the nurse support team
The Roy Castle Lung Cancer Foundation
Arthur, I think you’ll be okay!!