I finished Chemo end of May. I have always reacted to insect bites, however this is ridiculous. Has anyone else experienced this? Xx
Insect bites and Chemo: I finished... - The Roy Castle Lu...
Insect bites and Chemo
Hi Carolineminiaturist
Sorry to hear you are having trouble with your skin, or possible insect bites, this understandably must be quite irritating for you. The skin can become more sensitive with chemotherapy and you may react differently or they may take longer to settle down.
If you have not already, do let your oncology team know and perhaps have your skin reassessed to ensure they are insect bites.
You may find this link from Macmillan support helpful, even though you may not have been abroad, but with the recent heat in England (if you are in England) there are more mosquitos around, they provide both information and how to manage this: macmillan.org.uk/cancer-inf...
If they are insect bites then you want to reduce your risk of them becoming infected and you could ask your local pharmacist for both preventative and treatment options.
If you would like to discuss anything you can call ask the nurse on our free phone number 0800 358 7200 Monday to Thursday 0900-1700 and Friday 0900-1600, alternatively you can email us at lungcancerhelp@roycastle.org
Hope you have some relief soon.
Kind regards
Ask the nurse support team
The Roy Castle Lung Cancer Foundation
ouch - I sympathise - I've not had chemo but have always been bothered by insect bites - often reacting quite strangely on trips overseas. when I lived in Italy for 2 years I had to wear trousers to work as my legs were so bitten. I've not been bitten to the same extent in the UK but this year in particular have had some nasty reactions to insect bites here despite taking a daily anti-histamine tablet. hope you get some relief soon.