Recently diagnosed and now awaiting surgery to remove lower lung. I feel very anxious and would love to hear from anyone who has gone through this.
lung cancer: Recently diagnosed and now... - The Roy Castle Lu...
lung cancer

Hi Sally789
Welcome to the forum and so sorry to hear you have lung cancer. This is understandably a difficult and anxious time for you and your loved ones, and am sure you will find the forum a place of support and encouragement.
You may find our information booklet on lung surgery of use and you can download it from this link:
For anyone that is newly diagnosed, this booklet provides information on the types of lung cancer and what to expect next:
Many recover well from lung surgery and often get back to their normal activities, our lung surgery booklet provides information and the timelines to recovery at home.
We have online support groups through zoom, there is one specifically for lung surgery support that runs on a Tuesday night 7pm-8pm, if you are interested you can register through this link: Alternatively you can email
We offer a one to one support over the telephone, called our keep in touch support service, you can register for this in the link above also.
If you are looking anything up online, we would advise that you use the following websites that have accurate and up to date information:
If you would like any of our information booklets posted out to you, you can email us at the address below.
You are welcome to contact our ask the nurse service at or call our free phone nurse led helpline number on 0800 358 7200 Monday to Thursday 0900-1700 and Friday 0900-1600 if you would like to discuss anything.
All the very best
The Roy Castle Support Team
Hi Sally I'm sorry to hear about your diagnosis it's such a shock isn't it? I had a lower left lobectomy in August. Its not been an easy ride I had a few post op complications but I'm doing alot better now. A triangle pillow is a must as sleeping can be uncomfortable for a while. Take whatever pain medication they give you it's so important to be able to do your breathing exercises and to cough pain free. Constipation is a big thing due to all the drugs so again take the medication to avoid that. Buy yourself a soft non wired bra as it's uncomfortable to wear anything around the rib area. Any questions you have just message me I will try to answer them for you. P.s are you in the UK? X
Yes I live in the north west. Thank you so much for your positive reply. I’ve got support at home. Just can’t wait now to get it done . My problem at the moment is not being able to sleep.
Im not on Facebook but am looking forward to the group video on Tuesday. Do you find yourself imagining it’s spread as soon as you feel a pain in different parts of your body ? My growth in my lung is primary and hasn’t spread anywhere else in the lung but, am reading a few posts that people have had to have chemotherapy and radiotherapy
I 100% agree with everything Kazzacrazy has said , I am 13 weeks post op . Just be kind to yourself and make sure you have support at home when you first come out of hospital , just try and sleep as much as possible. I couldn’t stay awake the first week .
the support groups from the Roy Castle Foundation are fantastic. I do a zoom call on Tuesday evenings with some ladies we all had the same operation but are different points in recovery. I found it very very reassuring talking to others and it’s an extremely good group and very funny . Also a lady called Ellen or ring me if I message her if I just want to have a quick chat and they have nurses in the office or available to speak to if you can’t get through to your clinical team .
And lastly there’s us xxx
Oh please do join in on Tuesday evening, you don't have to stay for the full hour if you don't have the time you can just dip in and out we are all from different locations and it's just very interesting to talk to people about their different experiences around the country. There is no negativity at all with this group.
I'm getting yourself showered and doing your hair and putting make-up on is good because it makes you feel normal. I only had one day off work after my operation. ( I do work from home ) I just want you to feel normal it helps enormously, just doing every day stuff and not having to concentrate on having cancer ( I hate using that word, but it is what it is )
Rachel XXX
Hi Sally I had both mid and lower lobes of my right lung removed due to cancer my surgery was followed by chemotherapy and radiotherapy. This was in 2013, I returned to work and carried on with my life. Just take the advice you are given and do exercises to help with your recovery hope your surgery goes well.
Hi sally. I had a lower left lobectomy in feb 2022. Recovery took a few weeks but I was walking round the block within a few days and the pain was very mild. Mine was the robotic procedure so I was left with 5 small incision’s/scars. Back to normal activity and cycling within a month. It’s basically nothing to worry about. I had chemo afterwards and for me that was far worse than anything I imagined. Remember the fact that you are having the op means they caught your cancer early and think it’s curable. Hang on to that thought , feel lucky - you got this. X
Hi Sally789
I'm sorry to read about what you're going through. I can't add any advice (my husband was diagnosed at stage 4, so surgery wasn't an option) but you've clearly had lots of support from others already. I just wanted to wish you all the best with the op and your recovery.
Sarah x
yes had half of left lung removed. Long time ago, still here.
Hi Sally, Sali here. Got diagnosed with lung cancer incidental occurrence of breast cancer.After lung function test and CT pet scan referred for lung wedge resection surgery. Positive result led to right side lower lobectomy and lymphs removed just 6 weeks later.
The surgery was 1-1:30 hours long and keyhole.
Some anxiety is normal survival andrenalin. It is fear of the unknown
Do your breathing exercises and get moving as soon as you are allowed and safe too.
Wishing you all the best going forward x