my mum was diagnosed with SCLC on 11th Oct had her first cycle of chemo carboplatin and eptoposide on 21st oct none since due to sickness diarrhoea then chest infection then weakness has been in hospital twice now first time 2 weeks out gor a week now 4 weeks and now in a specialised hospice on hospital grounds who have advisedher platelets are pretty low snd her potassium is low before her sodium has been low but that seems to be ok now please help if anyone has or is going through the same i need some hope! Im falling apart and my poor mum is so weak and lost weight thank you in advance.
Sclc complications : my mum was... - The Roy Castle Lu...
Sclc complications
Hi Shellsutton, My wife had complications after her first cycle of exactly the same Chemo for SCLC. Her Neutraphyills were low due to the Chemo stripping them. They forgot to give us the Pegfilgrastim Injection which re-starts the immune system to fight sickness and illness. If your poor Mom has fight in her she will be okay. If they are giving her Potassium she must drink it even though it tastes vile. Things should Pick Up a bit for her.
God Bless You All and Be Strong. It's a NASTY disease.
Thanks John mums been moved to a specialist hospice shes tired most of the time she is taking all meds given to her im not sure if shes had that injection you spoke about what is it and can she have it any time. Mums so weak i just hope she can get stronger for more chemo so far shes only had 1 cycle im so lost as i dont know what to do to help her shes my best friend.

Hi Shellsutton, The injection is called PEGFILGRASTIM. It kickstarts all the white cells and Nutraphyil's to keep the bodies immune system up. They would have given you it to take when all the first cycle of chemo had finished. Its the day after and goes into the belly region. Sadly the NHS is so overstretched things like this get missed.
Be Strong and God Bless You and Mom
Hi Shellsutton my brother was diagnosed with SCLC on the 8 October and started his chemo carboplatin and etoposide on 18 October. He has now finished his four rounds. He had the injection into his stomach to boost his white blood cells to fight infection on day 5 to day 9 of every round of chemo he had. So that’s 5 injections every round. Hope this clarifies things for you.
Hi there my mum is in the same position as yours. She’s only had one cycle of chemo and the second is delayed by at least a week as she’s been in hospital for half the intervening time. A week bewteeen Christmas and new year, 2 days currently and two more A&E visits. All similar complications to your mum. Interested to hear about the white cell boosting injection because as far as I know she didn’t get that. Will ask. Hope your mum rallies. My mum didn’t drink the potassium regularly which was the latest problem I think as she was severely dehydrated. She isn’t really eating either. Everyone going out their minds with stress.
Hi my mums platelets are low as well as her sodium. Im not sure we have that injection here in Wales as the meds are diff to England christ knows why but they are. My mum is really tired and cant pass urine atm which us really worrying. Tbh ive lost so much weight with worry . Keep me updated on your mum hope all goes well
My mums sclc has now spread to her bone marrow