3weeks since my lobectomy and numbness and nerve pain pretty bad. Taking 10mg Amitriptiline once a day but not helping at all . Can anyone give my advice to alleviate the pain
3weeks since my lobectomy and numbness and nerve pain pretty bad. Taking 10mg Amitriptiline once a day but not helping at all . Can anyone give my advice to alleviate the pain
Hi. I had exactly the same following a right lobectomy and I was on 10 mg Amitriptyline which didn't help. It was increased to 20 mgs. and that helped a lot. I also took codeine + paracetamol.. There is another nerve pain medication called Garbantin which a lot of people seem to have so may be that's worth a try if the increased dose of Amitriptyline doesn't help. There is light at the end of the tunnel though I am now pain free and back to normal activities which includes swimming 4 times a week. I do hope you find some relief soon, best wishes.
Hi Begonia13
It is not uncommon to experience pain like you are describing following a lobectomy. It is really important that you get it under control. Speak to your GP and ask to be referred to a pain team. Your breathing pattern is different if you have notable pain and can increase the chance of a chest infection, so do go and see your GP. Often it is trial and error finding the right combination of pain meds, but there will be a combination that works for you and your Gp will be happy to help. You can use a towel rolled up round your back and held tight across your chest to give some support whilst coughing. this will help with the pain and allow you to clear your chest properly.
Swimdown has given you some great advice re. dosage of amitriptyline and suggesting Gabapentin, these are both options to discuss with your GP.
You can call our nurse led helpline on 08003587200 or email us at lungcancerhelp@roycastle.org
Hi - just saw your post. I too had bad nerve pain. I had a right upper lobectomy in June this year. I took gabapentin and amitriptiline and for past month I’m on nothing. I still have some residual pain but manageable. I’m bk at the gym and doing everything I did as before. I too was very down but it does get better so hang in there. Hope this helps.
Thank you Alison. Since my original post I am much improved. Glad you are getting back to normal.