Hello all, my occasional post on HealthUnlocked - is just to take heed of the advice about getting checked out when you find you have annoying coughs, sore throats or other breathing problems. You GP would rather examine you now and tell you there's nothing wrong with you, rather than see you in six months time, when you have a serious problem.
I took advice 18 years ago and visited my GP, as I had a 'minor' night time cough. He detected a wheeze and sent me for an x-ray - just in case. I had stopped smoking two years earlier, so wasn't too concerned. The Doc phoned me the following morning to tell me there was a shadow on my lung. Now I was concerned. Within three weeks, I was under the care of a cancer specialist, and into hospital. I had a large tumour in my right lung. I had chemotherapy and radiotherapy from April to September 2000. I went back to work on 18th December (I knew I would be on holiday in three days time!)
If I had not listened to advice, I wouldn't have been writing this. I have had no cancer problems since. I have lately developed minor COPD and Type 2 Diabetes, also just borderline. Other than that, I've reached 75 and able to lead a normal, happy life. 'DETECT CANCER EARLY' is a headline I thoroughly agree with.
Best wishes to you all. Bill