Hi has anyone else had a delayed response to Stereotactic brain met treatment,I was treated in May and slow but doable recovery ,however this weak my left leg has become very wobbly not supporting my weight well ,my knee lurches off piste now and then.I have restarted steroids dexamethasone 4mg once a day ,no cardiac problems yet (fingers crossed beta blockers work)I am due to see oncologist on Monday so getting looked after .
Just curious of other peoples experience and whether this is a permanent something to adapt to .It went on Monday you may have to start steroids again me declining and Thursday from me How many .Just trying to figure out how to use my exercise bike without damaging my knee .
The depressing aspect is I was starting to pick up going to the gym and yoga ,balance issues are worrying me right now .I don't want to fall and break a bone or something not to mention embarrass myself .I hope its just swelling and that's it and the steroids work . I haven't slept more that two hours in one go since I have started them and I never stop talking .I feel I have to apologise to people so they can get away from my endless dribble.ha The upside is although cautiously for me (not safe on ladders)we are painting a large hall way I think it will be done by the weekend .Nothing like 4am paint sessions, might as well utilise steroid highs .