My partner was diagnosed with lung cancer on 17 th of April it had spread to the lymph nodes and the brain he fought it had six lots of chemo and two lots of radio therapy unfortunately he died on 18 th of December exactly 8 months from being diagnosed cancer is the most cruel disease I just want to say anyone and there family's that are going through it I feel for you from the bottom of my heart this time last year we were packing for a short holiday with 8 couples this year it is his funneral tomorrow we are making it a celebration of his life and life does go on the donations are going to the Roy castle foundation as I did find some comfort when reading other peoples posts realising I wasn't on my own so love to all especially the carers it's hard but all we can do is be there for them xx
Lung cancer with brain mesteses x - The Roy Castle Lu...
Lung cancer with brain mesteses x

so very sorry to hear of your loss. I really feel for you as we lost my dad on the 9th December to this awful disease. My dads funeral was a celebration of his life, which was what my dad would have wanted. Thinking of you at this difficult time. Just take each day at a time and just remember you have all your wonderful memories.
Hamby, This is exactly the same as for Chris. She was diagnosed in January with no previous signs that anything was wrong, she passed away in August. Chemo knocked the stuffing out of her and when it was stopped the cancer just continued. We had a humanist service to celebrate her life and like you this time last year we were have a great time not knowing what was ahead. Please except my condolences and take each day at a time. There will be good days and some bad ones but one thing you will never forget your partner/friend.
Des. xxx
Thanks des I am taking one day at a time but it is hard my partner ws diagnosed in April he lived 8 months exactly but had no quality of life life feels so cruel at the moment as we had so many plans he was only 59 I am 52 e very one keeps saying life goes on and I understand this but it's hard at moment m going back to work in 2 weeks after caring for him for 9 months trying to remember the good days when he was well even that's hard at moment especially because I was with him at the end my name is chris it sounds like you went through very similar it's hard isn't it but it helps to talk to people outside the circle who understand xxthanks we had all donations to Roy castle lung foundation cos found this website helpfull x
I agree that people say life goes on, it does but after this experience and losing a loved one who is your life will take time. The same as your partner Chris's quality of life was dreadful and in hindsight we should have not done the Chemo but the expectations were that they could help make things easier but that was not the case. Chris passed away at home next to me so I could not have asked for more. The donations given for Chris and a walk I did the day after her funeral was shared between Letchworth Garden Hospice, for the help their home nurses(angels) gave us, and Macmillan because they were with us from the beginning after diagnosis. Take care of yourself Chris and don't worry if you have meltdowns, I do quite frequently.
Des xx
So sorry to hear of your loss. I sadly lost my Dad to cancer the day before your partner. We too are going to have a celebration of his life as he would want us to remember him and the good times. I continue my own fight with this awful disease of lung cancer. Take comfort from all the happy memories that will sustain you through the sad times.

Sue, Hamby, Trot and Des
We are all thinking about you and the gap that is left when someone precious dies. I hope the support that has been shown on this forum brings some comfort. Knowing this is a painful, emotional time for others can bring a little light. Remembering the people we love, sharing the wonderful lives ensures they are part of all our thoughts.
This can be a hard time of year to lose someone, but there is never a good one. Hopefully the support and sharing of family, friends and this on line forum help you through the hardest times,
with sympathy
on behalf of the Information & Support team