We met with the oncologist late this morning. All of my sister's markers for the immunotherapy came in negative so she is not a candidate for the treatment. There is one additional test to identify the EGFR marker (I guess that's what is called), for the targeted therapy. We are hoping that that will be positive, and we should have that result by Monday. We are also making an appointment with a psychiatrist to prescribe an antidepressant to combat her depression. She was prescribed diuretics since her legs are really swollen and something for her appetite since she is not wanting to eat much. I wish there was something more we could do to make her feel better. I brought her a chocolate milkshake from McDonalds' yesterday and she loved it! I'm telling my niece to make her milkshakes at home with ice cream, milk, fruits, etc. Anything with enough calories.
Thank you so much for being here for us! Please keep the prayers coming......