Husband had lung cancer in 2014, half lung removed. No chemo or radiation. Cancer came back Stage IV mestasis. He went through 26 radiation treatments, two different types of chemo, and is now on Obdiva since Dec. My question is, his CEA markers are steadily going up, is this normal? Any info would greatly be appreciated.
Stage IV lung cancer CEA Marker - Lung Cancer Support
Stage IV lung cancer CEA Marker

My doctor doesn't use CEA levels so I can't answer. I'm very interested in learning what the outcome of this is.
So very sorry your husbands lung cancer has returned! I was diagnosed with stage 4 lung cancer in July 2015. I had chemo up until 12/9/2016 when it stopped working and the dr started me on Opdivo. I had to be on it at least 90 days to see if the tumor was shrinking. Had PET scan and tumor got larger and the cancer in my pancreas and liver also got bigger. So Opdivo did not work for me but I didn't have the fatigue like when I'm on chemo. So my cancer marker went from 128 to 80 after one treatment. I am on chemo drug gencidibine..not much side effects at all. We must stay positive and keep moving forward even if some days it seems impossible forward. Only the lord knows our future. God bless u and your husband on this roller coaster of a journey

CEA markers are not considered to be good predictors of lung cancer, but some doctors do monitor them, because a fall in the number can correlate with a treatment working and a rise can indicate that the treatment might not be working. My local oncologist monitored my CEA in the beginning, but it has been quite some time since I've been tested for it, and my research oncologist doesn't use it at all.
Sending est hopes that the Opdivo works for you husband.

CEA is a "noisy" biomarker that can go up for a variety of reasons like infection. While it is helpful for tracking lung cancer activity in some patients, it doesn't work for others. By itself, CEA is not necessarily an indicator of cancer progression--CEA might go up because a cancer treatment is killing cancer cells and thereby releasing more CEA into the blood.
My research oncologist Dr. Camidge is tracking four tumor markers in my monthly labs as part of a research study: CEA, Ca 19-9, Ca 27.29, and Ca 125 ("Ca" stands for cancer antigen). My CEA stays in the low normal range. My Ca 19-9 ranges from low normal to 20% above the high normal limit. My Ca 27.29 ranges from mid to high normal. My Ca 125 ranges from mid normal to slightly above the high normal limit. So far, none of my tumor markers have caused Dr. Camidge any concern, especially when my PET-CT and CT scans continue to show no evidence of disease.
Here's a nice overview of tumor markers, what they might indicate, and what besides cancer can affect them.
Patient Guide to Tumor Markers (
My Oncologist also tests the same tumor markers as Janet's. My CEA has remained within normal range as has CA125. However, my CA19-9 and CA27-29 fluctuate. I had a very dramatic spike in my CA19-9 after my second and 3rd carbo/alimta but this was attributed to tumor die off. Even though I get the tumor marker blood test drawn each month, we rely more on how I am feeling and the PET/CT scans to determine progression. Wishing you all the best.
I am really sorry to hear that your husband and you are dealing with this, hard news to get. But as you can hear, there is much hope and arming yourself with more information is powerful.
Great resource, Janet, thank you!
Thank you to everyone that gave their thoughts and experiences. He had a CT scans got the results today. The cancer is in his liver now, that is the why his cea markers went up. They think it can be treated with radiation. He has been on Obdiva since Dec. The tumors have not gotten any bigger, but not any smaller either. He is having problems with hip pain, so getting a bone scan Monday. Thanks again for y'alls input. Keep him in your prayers. Cancer sucks
I am so very sorry to hear that, now we look to radiation to do what it is meant to do! That the tumors are not growing is positive news. Thank your for updating us, best of luck for the scan on Monday, I will be holding you close in my thoughts and prayers. And, yes, I think saying that cancer sucks is fair. Hugs.
Hello Chrmob welcome! I am new here, too, I don't have any answers but am learning a lot from very caring people here. Sorry to hear this.
Latest update on my husband. Bone scan came back good, except for the ribs that had already had cancer in them. Pt scan showed New tumors in liver. Starting radiation in a couple of weeks. Doctor tells us Obdiva is working. If it's working how do we get new tumors? Also says Obdiva is our last treatment option. I read so much about other lines of treatment, makes me wonder if we should get another opinion.