Have been diagnosed with lung cancer last September . Had radiation and chemo just waiting to see if things have gotten better. Won't see the doctor until the end of April. Trying to think positive . How does anyone else deal when faced with thus disease ?
Lung cancer how to deal with it - Lung Cancer Support
Lung cancer how to deal with it

It's been really hard for me. I was diagnosed with stage four NSCLC in February 2015. It totally changed everything in my life seems like overnight. I am having trouble dealing and get really depressed. It's hard to find people to talk to about it . I have been trying to stay as active as possible that seems to help me the best.
Hi Laura,
I too was diagnosed with NSCLC in June 2016. I have been through lots of emotional turns since then. It is true that anyone who is not going through this really does not understands how we feel. Have you had any success in your treatment? My cancer has been pretty responsive to chemo but I still feel scared and sad a lot. I have two children who are grown and it makes me sad for them. I have leaned heavily into my relationship with Christ which has given me peace when I need it.
Yes I think that is the part I am struggling with the sadness of being alone. I have two grown children 20 and 25. I feel sad for them and for me. I was divorced about ten years ago. I dove into work and focused on my kids. I always thought there would be time to find another relationship. It's hard feeling like no one has my back or that I don't have anyone to talk to. This is what I am really struggling with most.
It happens that I started dating a former classmate about 9 months before I was diagnosed. Just when I though life had a lot of fun to be had. He has asked me to marry him, but I just feel like it might not be fair to him. I must say that even though it is a comfort to have someone, it is also difficult, As you know, having chemo every three weeks can leave one cranky. We have quite a few arguments. It is hard for me to understand the complaints of most people these days when I am going through this. I want to say to them that are so lucky to have such small problems. Have you asked your doctor for an antidepressant? I take Celexa and it has helped me alot. I also take trazodone at night to help with sleep and it is an antidepressant as well. I am sorry that you are having a time of sadness and being alone. Maybe there is a support group nearby.
Don't read about statistics. Don't ask how long you have to live. As long as you have hope you can keep going. Take it one day at a time. Cross every hurdle as you get to it. I remember three years ago a little old lady I barely knew called me all upset and said she heard I had lung cancer and only had six months to live. I told her my doctors didn't tell me that had she talked to them. In 2013 I had radiation and chemo. It wasn't fun but I made it through. I was good for awhile until a scan showed some tiny nodules grew a bit. A biopsy showed cancer cells. Back on chemo with success for a number of months. The chemo was causing some issues so I was switched to Opdivo. I have had amazing results. If it works for you it can be long term or cure.
Thank you for the encouragement . I think I am really struggling finding people to talk to that understand what I am going through. It's dam hard to have your life turned upside down overnight . To feel ugly everytime you look in the mirror. Normally I would shake it off and try harder to do something about my situation but this one isn't so easy with no support group.
By trying to think positively and keeping busy ! It is hard tho.. Good to be able to talk about it with someone facing the same challenges .
Try thinking of good things in your life. I refuse to let this stupid cancer get the best of me if I'm down my family is there to cheer me on. It's ok to to cry I do but then I go on. Hope you find peace.
It's hard facing a death sentence,,,I have three grandsons and they are 5,15,and 20,,I know my two older ones will never forget me but the five-year old is so young,,,they are all brothers and I just want more time with my youngest,,,I know we're all going to die I'm not ready,,,I was diagnosed June 2015,,,had radiation and doing chemo every three weeks since last November,, I'm a survivor and God is with me so time is all I want to make as many memories possible(on social security don't have money) with my grandchildren,a friend asked me how I feel about being terminal,,,I don't and didn't know how to answer that,,my family is my lifeline,,,I'm still here so God isn't finished with me yet,,,stage 3 NSCLC,,,
I pray. It is the only thing I can do that gives me any peace.
Does anyone take Tracivo. And what kind of reaction did you experience. I have been taking it for at least 6. Weeks I'm experiencing throwing up and diarrea
Goffy142 - I can say I have never taken it, or have even heard of it. However, I assume you have talked to your doctors about your experience while on it. I talk with my doctors about all of the medication I am on, and if anything changes for me. Be it my mood, my sleep pattern, my bathroom use, my weight, etc., you name it, I talk to them about it.
I know this is not much help, but I will at least start to look into this drug to learn a bit more about it.
Mike "Serrecko" March
u gotta live and walk on faith god has the final answer so keep prayin
I was diagnosed with Lung Cancer April 2016. Waiting in between scans is the hardest. I have learned how to live my life day by day. I pray a lot and I do meditation to keep calm. My cancer is metastatic in my hip, spine and brain. They have all responded well to chemo. my PET scan last week showed more cancer growth in my spleen, adrenal glands, and lymph nodes. I was devastated. But I took the time after hearing this news to cry and scream and yell . I was so angry. And the next day, I moved on. Keep going forward, stay positive and take care of yourself. After my diagnosis I started to build a website. It was therapeutic. I was finding so much information about Lung Cancer I needed a place to consolidate it. It was never meant to be published but then I realized maybe others could find hope in it. You can ready my story and my blog at cancercrazedandconfused.com. I have gotten emails from people all over the world. I hope it gives you hope. God Bless you. Be Brave. You can do this!
Great blog, thank you for sharing that with us! Other members of this community also write wonderful blogs and the insights are touching; sometimes literally stopping me in my tracks. Write on, my friends!