she is gone: sister died today, lasted a... - Lung Cancer Support

Lung Cancer Support

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she is gone

19 Replies

sister died today, lasted a whole 23 days. so much for modern medicine.

19 Replies
janiceowens1957 profile image

I am so sorry for your loss. I don't know you but my heart truly aches for your loss. I can't imagine what you are going through. Prayer sent up for you and your family.

I'm so very sorry to hear of your loss. May you eventually find comfort in great memories with her. Lung cancer is so deadly because it hides so well and is so very often/usually diagnosed at a late stage. It's so sad that your sister's case was discovered too late. Unfortunately, she is not alone and nor are you as someone suffering so greatly with this devastation. Again, my condolences to you. I was diagnosed at stage 4 myself and went from playing volleyball with friends to near death within less than a week-that's how sneaky it can be. This is a sad reality of this disease for too many patients.

imina profile image
imina in reply to Jenniferroseolson

Sooooo sorry for your loss. My mom was fine and 3 weeks later she was gone. Did your sister die 23 days after her diagnosis. What can we do to prevent these late diagnosis. I truly believe my mothers pc (primary care) doctor should have given her a chest ct scan. This would have at least given my mom a chance to beat the Cancer

Sue----- profile image
Sue----- in reply to imina

Taking A chest X-ray wouldn't of helped. I have fibromyalgia and the Drs. Would take all kind of chest X-rays for yrs. not a thing showed up for 9 yrs. Then I needed back surgery and I had to take blood and X-rays guess what, 3rd stage lung cancer. Every one has there road to travel and only God is the one that can show us the road. We just have to let go and let God. Yes it's hard as you will know it. Imina just thank God that your Mom is with the Lord, and not suffering. I want give up but it's hard knowing what my family will go through. I lost my First husband with cancer ,I was 31 and Dell was 32. With three small children. But you know the main support for us was God first and all the family. Now it's my time to start my road. And yes I'm Afraid to. Make up my mind to take Adebo. This chemo is just as bad as any other , with God on my side "Will make it". I will be with the Good Lord or he will leave me here until he is ready for me to go home. Until then I will serve God tell the end. God Bless you and yours.

imina profile image
imina in reply to Jenniferroseolson

At jenniferroseolsen. That's great news that you got help in enough time. If you don't mine. What areas did your cancer spread to and what treatment did you receive

Jenniferroseolson profile image
Jenniferroseolson in reply to imina

Happy to share info. April 2015 My cancer was in my lungs (I had plueredesis procedure that uses talc and seals the pluera together to the chestwall and had a pluerex drain installed and drained fluid from my lungs twice per day until it became infected a few weeks later). Also initially found the cancer had spread to liver and adrenal gland (and thought an ovary but fortunately that was not cancer). I have NSCLC with no remarkable mutations (not AlK or ROS or EGFR positive) so began chemo using two agents: "carboplatin and pemetrexed Alimta brand. I had 6 rounds (max that my doc would allow as it becomes very toxic) and then switched to single agent Alimta. I have that every 3-4 weeks. meanwhile, 1 year after diagnosis found 2 lesions in brain-one was walnut size that could have/should have been diagnosed earlier except I thought the headaches were a chemo side effect--not!. Had craniotomy may 2016 to remove and had cesium radioactive "seeds" implanted at those sites. 2 new lesions very tiny found and treated in August 2016 using stereotactic radiation. I continue with regular chemo every 3 weeks or 4 if I need to feel great for vacation or Christmas etc) and CTscan every few months and MRI on brain every 3-4 months. It's a tough road. But I cherish every day and focus on all the blessings. I play volleyball twice per week, workout with an amazing trainer to be strong for when I need to really be stronger than cancer, coach my kids, attend church activities, and more. I have also used acupuncture to deals with symptoms, use a psychologist who specializes in oncology, and take advantage of utilizing the Palliative Care department to help with quality of life. My next line will probably be Opdivo, but my oncologist says we should stick with what is working now.

Sue----- profile image
Sue----- in reply to Jenniferroseolson

I know what you are talking about. I'm at stage 3 lung cance. Went for a chest X-ray for back surgery, next thing I knew I was taking Chemo the next day. No surgery because it's in the lump nodes. It's hard but I have a very good support group. God and family. My late husband died at 32 yrs old I was 31. I can say it's better to go home with the good lord then stay here and make everyone suffer. God be with all of us that have cancer.

Ldk1 profile image
Ldk1 in reply to Jenniferroseolson

What treatment are you on?

Tmbowman98 profile image
Tmbowman98 in reply to Jenniferroseolson


RosieLindley profile image

So sorry for your loss.

Ruthie1950 profile image


I am so sorry to hear of your sister's passing. I know this is a very difficult time for you and your family.

May God give each of you strength to get through the coming days. God bless you all.

Steph60 profile image

I am so sorry for your loss. Cherish your memories of her and remember she is always with you.

FtB_Travis profile image

I'm sorry for your loss. We are all thinking of you.

smkupper profile image

The only thing I can so is that I am so sorry for your loss. It really hurts and there won't be a time that it doesn't hurt. I only hope that someday the good memories overtake the bad ones. May you find God's Peace.

suebanj profile image

So sorry for your loss.....

Glynn2890 profile image

I am so sorry. There should be a war against cancer!! This is our true enemy!!

gibdonnalee profile image
gibdonnaleeCommunity Superhero

So very sorry for your loss, Nameless. You'll never be able to get over your heartache, all we can hope is it gets a little easier to handle as each day goes by. None of us knows what hand we will be dealt in life,we have to be there for people, and do everything possible to ease other our pain and theirs. We will be praying for you and your family,

Tmbowman98 profile image

I'm so daughter died in October and I'm still hurting daily, missing her so much. She didn't make it a year from her diagnosis date.

FtB_Peggy profile image
FtB_Peggy in reply to Tmbowman98

I am so, so sorry.

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