The waiting is driving me crazy - Lung Cancer Support

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The waiting is driving me crazy

RwHayes profile image
RwHayesCommunity Superhero
12 Replies

18 days ago I had a ct done because of chest pain,it turned out to be a mass in my upper left lobe. In the days following we did a broncoscopy that revealed it was small cell carcinoma. Went to oncologist wed and he said it was extensive stage.

We are going mon to do a head ct to find out if I have anything in my brain. All the waiting just seems like a waste of precious time . I will prob get treatment finally on the 10th, does this time frame sound normal?

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RwHayes profile image
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12 Replies
PegD profile image

The beginning is the hardest. It was 4 months from my first chest X-ray to first chemo. We wanted all the biopsies, scans, second opinion and genetic testing complete before making a decision on treatment. Waiting allowed me the time to do my own research and begin implementing complementary therapies before the big guns came out. I was glad I took the time to get clear on what I was facing and how I wanted to proceed. Thankfully, there was no progression of my tumors during that 4 months. The most important thing to remember is to follow your gut and not your fear. If you don't think your docs are advocating hard enough for you, get another opinion. Best of luck.

joanfong profile image

Be sure to get the genetic testing. The results will help determine the line of therapy that will best suit you. Think positive and don't let the waiting stress you out.

Denzie profile image

They are moving quite quickly. With non small cell its not unusual to wait 2 months. With small cell they like to move faster. And it appears that they are.

Steph60 profile image

For me it was about 1 month from my 1st CT which saw something until I had surgery to remove remove my upper right lobe due to NSCLC. I know the waiting and all of the tests that are done before they tell you exactly what is going on feels like to takes forever and is really scary. The doctors are just attempting to get a complete picture of what is happening before they communicate with you on the next step. I know it is hard but keep taking deep breaths when it feels overwhelming, and make sure to do something each day that gives you pleasure and takes you mind off of it for at least a few minutes. Sending good thoughts your way.

Ruthie1950 profile image

I'm afraid that timeframe is about right. From the time I was diagnosed to my first treatment was almost 3 months. I was very concerned because I had been told it was stage 3B. I pray you get treatment started soon.

anmcdonald profile image

Yes this is normal. It felt like everything I had done was scheduled for weeks out. I felt like the doctors didn't take me serious and by the time I got to start my treatments the cancer would be spread to other parts of my body. So to answer your question this is very normal and needed time for the doctors to figure out all they need to know about your specific cancer and make a treatment plan that is designed just for you.

RwHayes profile image
RwHayesCommunity Superhero

Thanks so much for all of your kindness and prayers. I am very thankful to have this support community to turn to. I think once we are actively fighting it and have a game plan I will feel a lot better. However what some of you said has me feeling better about my decision to get a second opinion . The local oncologist I saw was a nice and I believe honest guy but seemed a little closed minded to new ideas.

I'm going to Atlanta cancer treatment centers of America on the 6th for second opinion and I'm fairly sure that's where I will do treatment.

My thoughts and prayers are with all of you thanks again for responding, I will always be appreciative of any advise you all can give.

Thanks, RW

jwestmoreland profile image

We were like a month and 1/2 before my husband 1st treatment we went thru pet scan and mri CT scan for brain. He had a large mass in brain had to have surgery to remove from brain good luck it feels a like eternity

gdeanbates profile image

No, it does not seem reasonable. I was diagnosed during a 6 day hospital stay and my treatments started the following week.

FtB_Peggy profile image


I am just so happy that you are getting a second opinion - you just can't go wrong with that. Even when you trust your physician, a second opinion makes sense.

Obviously you are already the advocate you need to be for your health; keep strong, ask questions until you understand, have someone with you to help you remember all that is said, follow your heart...

Please let us know how things go, and thank you so much for sharing and joining this community - a really great group of people who care for one another.

Best of luck,


Serrecko profile image

RwHayes - Sorry for not jumping into this conversation until now, but I wanted to welcome you to these incredible forums anyway. I hope I can add to the ongoing conversation.

The one thing I have learned about cancer and cancer treatment, time frames are usually pretty well thought out by the oncologists that have dealt with all types of cancers through their careers and clinical duties.

I am fighting what is my last cancer I will ever have to fight, I have terminal HPV Cancer in my lungs, but the first cancer way back in 2008 taught be to pay close attention to the doctors and just understand that to ME and me alone, the word cancer meant "Get to it, let's Go, Go, GO!".

I learned to not rush things after that and to just get used to how things progress. It is wise to stay up on your treatment, ask questions, do common sense online research but above all else, just relax.

I will continue to read this thread, I am very interested in learning more and again, welcome to these incredible forums, filled with awesome people with amazing insights.

Mike "Serrecko" March

Leader of The Skyline Gaggle of Noobs - A Fundraising Paintball Team

BrigidK profile image

I know it seems like a long time. If you're not at an actual cancer center they may not have as much equipment. Be sure you are getting the best care available. Do not settle for a local hospital that has limited cancer care. Best to look for teaching hospitals. They will offer more clinical trials and more up to date procedures. Good luck to you and keep us informed. We have all walked in your shoes and only hope for the best.

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