I must have had at least 25 pairs made for me. None were well fitting. If you are happy with yours - you have no areas that are red from the sleeve cutting in Please tell me about it. Jobst? Mediven? Private? N.H.S? Any advice?
Are you happy with your compression sleeves? - LSN
Are you happy with your compression sleeves?
I get mine through the NHS and I get measured at the Royal Marsden Lymphoedema Clinic. I have some Mediven sleeves which I use almost daily but I find that these sometimes leave red areas and also the top of the sleeve on the upper arm rolls down as the arm gets more swollen later in the day. The Jobst one I have which was made to measure seems to be the best so far even though as it goes from the hand to the upper arm I find it a little difficult to do certain things (typing, using knife and fork) as it can be a little restricting. But it doesn't leave any red marks and it doesn't slide down, also because of the material it doesn't feel as warm at the Mediven ones so more comfortable
Hi clown, I used to have Mediven with the thumb part and had a great deal of bother with the thumb seam. Now (as a result of more swelling in hand) I wear a separate Jobst sleeve with silicone band which to my surprise I can tolerate. I also wear a Sigvaris fingerless glove and have had no thumb problems since changing.
hi clown
i know the feeling - i tried everything going before settling with the jobst sleeves & haddenhams gloves
i've got short arms & lymph gathers towards the top during the day so i get the ame problem as paddyz with rolling down tops, & have to properly adjust the again every couple of hours but still get red marks especially in my elbows & around my forearms
the answer's made-to-measure - you should be able to get them on prescription, but there are lots of 'shoulds' with lymphoedema that don't seem to materialise
i'm going to go for made to measure after i've had some surgery next year but to be honest i can't be bothered at the moment!