Hi, just wondering if anyone has lymphoedema and rheumatoid arthritis and if so what RA medication you are on, I am waiting to find out what medication I can be prescribed as I am currently having a flare up, but would be interested to know if anyone is in the same boat and what has been working for you?
Lymphoedema and rheumatoid arthritis : Hi, just... - LSN
Lymphoedema and rheumatoid arthritis

Hi Keb, I've got rheumatoid arthritis and lymphodema in my arm, as for meds I'm on leflunomide and prednisolone but I've had loads of different meds over the years (43) you might want to join the NRAS part of this forum for people with Rheumatoid A it's great for everyone's experiences of different meds, best wishes Sarah
Thank you for your response, I will join the NRAS section. I have been on lots of medication over the 35+ years of RA but due to cellulitis and operation I have been off them a while, previously I was on injectable Amgevita a biological drug I am waiting to see if they will put me in that again or if there is anything else (I have been on the one you are in but that effected my liver function)
Thank you, I have posted on NRAS now and also the Versus Arthritis website so fingers crossed I can see if anyone else is in a similar boat, it just would be good to know and other peoples experience. Many thanks.
Hi, I have both. My doctor put me on hydroxychloroquine and sulfasalazine. Works great. Went from Constant pain to almost none. At first he put me on prednisone but I didn't like the quick we8gjt gain and the fact it can give a person moon face. I'm very happy with what I am on. Been on the same for 3 years now and much better.
Hi Snaomi, thank you for your reply, I used to be on hydroxychloroquine and sulfasalazine years ago before I went onto Methotrexate and then Amgevita , so that’s interesting to know what you are on and if my RA consultant is still considering what is going to be best for me with having Lymphoedema as he doesn’t want to lower my immune system and be susceptible to cellulitis so knowing what can work is good to know, knowledge is power, many thanks.
I haven't had cellulitis in years. I will say that initially with the sulfasalazine I did experience slight swelling, but not anymore. It passed.