I have recently started doing research on surgical options for lymphedema. I have lived with this condition for over 30 years now and until about a year ago never knew that there were surgical options. I am grateful to social media groups for my new knowledge. I have lymphedema in my lower left leg and recently inquired with Dr. Granzow's office regarding the SAPL. I need to get my insurance info submitted so that I can schedule a consult. I am a little leery yet excited about the possibilities. Dr. Granzow is in CA and I am in TN. I know that this will likely by very costly but I just want to feel normal again. I have lived with this my entire adult life and while I have tried my best to make the best of it I cannot help but wonder what it would feel like to be rid of the heaviness and ALL of the tedious maintenance that comes with lymphedema. Either way, I feel like I owe it to myself to at least try. I'll keep you posted.
Thinking about going for it: I have recently started... - LSN
Thinking about going for it

Have you watched the videos on our YouTube channel - very interesting.
Good luck lymphleg I can see you are in the US so hopefully your research will pay dividends x
I've looked into SAPL for my leg. I was advised that I would need to commit to wearing compression 23h a day after the procedure.
I feel as though I'm doing that now. Being in compression house all day, using the pump st night, and using a nighttime garment while I sleep. It's tiring...
have you looked into the Cleveland Clinic. they do surgery there as well and they are in Ohio
Good for you! Dr Chen at Cleveland Clinic performs LVA super microsurgery surgery with a very impressive success rate. Both my brother and I have had really good results. I’m just 6 weeks post op but I’m wearing less compression than before surgery and expect improvement to continue.You can watch some of Dr Chen’s webinars to get a good idea of his surgical advice and his lymphedema research on both primary and secondary.
Best of luck.
I'm glad to hear this! I will check out Cleveland Clinic. That would be a little closer. I hope that your recovery continues to go well.
I scheduled my initial appointment with Dr. Chen today. It's not until July. I'm trying not to get my hopes up but hoping that I am a good candidate for the surgery.
That’s great news. I think that you will be impressed with Dr Chen and his staff.The ICG test really gives you and the doctor important information about your lymph system function.
There are wonderful areas to explore on foot during the hours between the tests and appointment with Dr Chen later on the day...the park, Cleveland Museum of Art (which also has a very good restaurant cafe),Chase Western, and more.
I got SAPL last November after not having conversation treatment methods work for almost 10 years. I’ve always been active but I did not realize how much my lymphie leg was slowing me down. I’ve been able to double my speed for the stair climber, and feel stronger and happier. It was definitely worthwhile for me.
I think that’s great and wish you the best of luck!!
Thank you!
This was all very interesting. Does anyone know which factors make someone a good candidate for surgery? And which ones don’t? During most of the pandemic, I didn’t have manual lymph drainage done because my therapist didn’t work, but the swelling didn’t increase much if at all. If I still have to wear compression the same as before surgery, what are the benefits of the surgery? Thanks!
Thanks for your response! Yes that makes sense, and would be a nice benefit. I am just wondering whether a patient needs to have certain particular discomforts to be eligible for this surgery, such as pain, a particular size difference compared to the other limb, or anything else along these lines. In other words, how serious does your lymphedema have to be to be considered a good candidate for surgery? Or maybe it’s not just about the lymphodema itself, but other aspects of your health...?
I just watched a video on YouTube where Dr. Chen touches on this and a few other topics. youtu.be/avM9BTyGjHo
I went for an assessment for suitability for surgery at the Oxford Lymphoedema Practice in the UK. I was advised that in order to be suitable for LVA it was important to have some good quality functioning lymph vessels in the area of surgery. My ICG lymphography scan showed I had virtually no normal lymph function below my knee so unfortunately I'm not suitable for LVA. Neither am I suitable for LVNT but I'm not sure why. My lymphie leg is so far responding well to conservative management but I was told I would be suitable for SAPL if my leg got significantly bigger - I'm committed to doing all I can for that not to happen.