Anyone help me with advice for pain in the knee( left leg Lymphoedema)
Knee pain : Anyone help me with advice for pain in the... - LSN
Knee pain

It could be anything - possibly arthritis - but you should always get pain checked by your GP, to rule out anything else.
Thanks for the reply, do you know if it’s something usually associated with Lymphoedema ?
I have bad osteo arthritis in both knees. It is made worse by wearing knee high support hose which pushes the fluid further up my legs. I am waiting for an appointment with the surgeon but that's all in the air because of the pandemic. I suggest that you check with your GP who will refer you on if needed.
You used the word surgery. I URGE you with love to find a place that specializes in lymphedema treatment. The technique used to drain the area opens ways to lessen the swelling. Surgery in the area might/would make your problem worse. I know.
I woke up one morning and found that "lymphedema look" on my upper arm accompanied by red stripes. It was 4:30 a. m. andI foolishly decided to be nice and wait for the doctor's office to open. Sitting in the waiting room, by 8:15 I had a fever any felt terrible. Infections can spread extremely fast into the blood stream (sepsis) and take the infection throughout the body. NEVER blame pain or redness with warmth on lymphedema. Go straight a doctor, even in the middle of the night. Also, never fly with an infetion.
I have a right knee that hurts and doesn’t have full range of motion. I have my lymphodema really well managed but knee still bothers me. My OT said it probably wasn’t associated with lymphodema.