Hi all
Hip pain: Hi all - LSN
Hip pain

When you walk? All the time? Have you had a DEXA scan recently?
Is there a chunk of text missing? What do you want to tell us?
hello sorry cant see the rest of your message, I get hip pain because of the stress on my hips with the weight of the lymphedema in my legs, better controlled now but initially a big issue.
With the major leg swelling caused by lymphoedema, your hair will naturally change because your leg is in a different position when you walk. I used to get my knee cap almost bumping everytime I walked, and this was apparently caused because to allow room for my swollen inner thigh, my leg was pushed out so that my dominant knee ligament was the one on the outside of my knee, rather than the inside.
Also now I have got my swelling down, my kneecap looks like it has been slightly displaced.
What I am saying is extra to the excess weight on the limb, it's forces change of position, can and will have an effect on joints, which may well cause pain
very true, I hate the size of my knee, but have to put up with it, all you can do is wear the compression and if im sitting at home for any length of time keep my legs elevated helps. Was on analgesia anyway because I also have arthritis in my knees and now hips. How some say these isssues aren't life changing I don't know but we all carry on
Hi there. Yes there is missing text. Not sure why lol.
I was just asking if anyone has ended up with hip pain.
My legs dont swell up massive but they get bigger thru out the day and it is very painful and does effect my walking etc.
But lately my hip and sometimes my knee joints are now getting painful aswell.
Am i right in presuming that its because im prob walking a bit diff now?
Soz for the confusion
Rebec, could u tell me wat a dexa scan is plz.
I have not had any treatment other than goin to see my lymphodema nurse.
I ment to say in that i get it in my groin/pelvic area plus my upper thighs.
A Dexa scan scan for bone density to see if you have osteoporrosis..
Thanx. I think im too young to get sent for that (37) but on sat i went out with a new pair of compression pants on and i was ok to start with but by the time i got home my partner had to help me get them off while i was in tears then 2 secs later my legs just ballooned up so im pretty sure its something to do with lymphodema. I just need to get my lymphodema nurse to listen to me.
All she says is lymphodema doesn't hurt but by joining this site i know wat i feel is the same as others.
Cheers fi
I'm of a similar age to you. What causes the pain? I have knee aches and pains, which I put down to the displacement, but the worst pain I had was caused by the tights themselves, when they accumulate around my ankle and knee. For me it was a necessary evil, but to mitigate the rubbing you have to keep them up. If this is a problem for you have you tried "designing" your tights to incorporate a pant and even a bit more support on your other leg? My tights are full leg on my lymphy side and a cycle short on my good side. Gravity still works against me, however they only go down so far, and it is genuinely manageable.
Hope this helps