Does any one else get tingling And throbbing in they hand when wearing a compression glove
Tingling and throbbing lymphodema hand : Does any one... - LSN
Tingling and throbbing lymphodema hand

Have you had a Doppler test to check the blood supply to the hand? Do you lose sensation or have numbness in your little and ring fingers? Are you also wearing a full sleeve?
No I've not been offered a Doppler test yes I wear a full sleeve ,the tingling and throbbing not there all day just comes a goes several times during the day
I would get it checked, especially if it’s becoming a regular occurrence. Do you get any problems when the garments are off?
Do you suffer from lyphodema
I had tingling and throbbing (and blue fingers!) when my Jobst made-to-measure hand and sleeve garments were too tight. It was resolved by the LE nurse amending the measurements. It took 3 attempts of re measuring before I no longer had tingling etc
Ok thanks I look in to that
It sounds as if the glove component of the sleeve is too tight at some point. I wear a Mediven combined gauntlet sleeve and it hasn't caused any problems.
I wear a jobst glove