Sore feet: Hey peeps, Sorry it's been so long since I... - LSN


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Sore feet

hez88 profile image
27 Replies

Hey peeps,

Sorry it's been so long since I've been on here, life has been crazy and not even in the fun way.

I've got a question for you all.... Do any of you have really sore heels?

For the past 3 weeks, the heel on my right foot has been killing me to the point where I can hardly walk. Even my knees are hurting again and it's so uncomfortable and I am not sleeping either because of it.

I need help peeps, I'm so depressed and down too. My work has gotten me so down and I'm at breaking point.

Even my partner is getting on my nerves. We fight all the time and he's just no help to me at the moment. His priorities are his sport, he's a golfer and I feel that I'm second to everything. He picks golf first and I have no idea where my life is going.

My job sucks! I work in a golf shop (with my partner), it's easy work but I don't get enough hours and I get treated like crap most of the time.

I just feel like I'm drowning in my own life. No time with anything.

I'm sending love and hugs to all you peeps on here.

Thanks for listening. Xoxoxo

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hez88 profile image
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27 Replies
Lynora profile image

Have you had an x-ray or assessment by a podiatrist? Do you wear compression - is it too tight around the foot so causing pressure pain?

hez88 profile image
hez88 in reply to Lynora

I've not had an x-ray since I got told I had this, the compression tights I wear are fine around my feet and ankle. It's just the heel of my right foot that's killing me.

Lynora profile image
Lynora in reply to hez88

Maybe time to ask for an opinion/diagnosis from a podiatrist?

hez88 profile image
hez88 in reply to Lynora

Yeah I think I will, thanks hunni. xo

Brandish54 profile image

I had same problem on two or three occasions does it even hurt when you put your feet up ? The doctor put mine down to plaintar fasistis excuse spelling very painful cannot even put feet on floor without extreme pain . Also I have callous's in heel which are tiny lumps in heel that gradually work their way to surface which I then use a schol foot file to get them off hope this helps

hez88 profile image
hez88 in reply to Brandish54

Thanks for the reply, I have no idea why my heel is so sore. I can hardly walk when I wake in the morning and it goes away from time to time but recently it's so sore that I am hobbiling around.

GabbiD profile image
GabbiD in reply to hez88

It does sound like Plantar Fascitis. Its a tight tendon that runs the base of your foot. It always hurts worse when you first start in the am. The stretching of your calf will help that. Here is a good website.

hez88 profile image
hez88 in reply to GabbiD

Thank you, I'll give it a try. :)

GabbiD profile image

Look up plantar fascitis. When I have heel pain this is what it is. But it might be different for you. If you are wearing shoes with little support or are on your feet a lot, PF would be my guess. If so...Roll an iced bottle.of water under your footnor a tennis ball and stretch out your calves. You can do this against a wall or use a pillwcase tonpull your toes towsrd your shin.

hez88 profile image
hez88 in reply to GabbiD

Hi Gabby,

I wear trainers at my job all the time but it's just my right foot that's sore. My knees have always been sore and so are my ankles.

Thanks for the advice sweetie. xx

GabbiD profile image
GabbiD in reply to hez88

Sure. If its a heel spur the ice bottle will still work. The knee involvement is different though. Good luck. Let us know what you find out!

hez88 profile image
hez88 in reply to GabbiD

I will do :) x

041051 profile image

Hi there, I have a "bony spur" under my left hell which is really painful. I wear an insole in my shoes which does help but as I am wearing sandals at the moment it has become very painful again. My g.p. sent me for an x ray and told me what it was and there were solutions like steroid injections or surgery but I'm just carrying on as I am for now. I hope you can get an answer and some treatment

hez88 profile image
hez88 in reply to 041051

Thank you for the reply. I think I'll email my nurse that I see for my condition and see what she says. I hope your okay.

041051 profile image
041051 in reply to hez88

Hi there, I'm fine thank you. I have lipoedema which has now progressed to lympoedema as well. There haven't been any services in this area for years but they have just started a new service and I had my first appointment a couple of weeks ago. I was told off for not wearing compression but I have other health issues that make it impossible for me to put compression on. I'm going to give the surgery a ring and see what the doctor thinks and if there is any other solution. I do feel for you though because it is such an awful condition and it does affect you far more than people realise

hez88 profile image
hez88 in reply to 041051

I wear my compression tights all day every day. It's annoying but I have to do it as it does help at times. I think I'll need to speak to the nurse I see and see if she can help with my sore heel but I don't see her till December. But I'll email her and see what she says.

Algu profile image

Hi hez88, I had the same problem the podiatrist gave me insoles and excercises, what a difference it made. Like you I could hardly walk with the pain so I would advise seeing a podiatrist.

hez88 profile image
hez88 in reply to Algu

Thank you for the advice, I'll go and see my doctor and see what happens.

Algu profile image
Algu in reply to hez88

Keep us posted how you get on

hez88 profile image
hez88 in reply to Algu

Will do. :)

Chris21 profile image

I’ve just seen your post, everyone has given good advice/ideas but I really think you should see your GP not only because your hurting but it’s also getting you down. Nothing worse than feeling depressed because of pain. Your knees are probably hurting because of compensating for your heel and your knocking your posture out of Alinement.

I was sent to orthotics where I was given some ankle braces, hideous contraptions but they did the trick and I only put them on now when my heels play up. I’ve also had sports tape wrapped round my ankle and leg which also helped.

Hope you get some relief soon xx

hez88 profile image
hez88 in reply to Chris21

Thank you for the advice, I've emailed my nurse that I go to and see what advice she says, hopefully, It won't be too bad. :)

DeadfootMo profile image

Hello Hez88, Oh you poor thing. Can I just say that I think your health problem is treatable but you have to go to a doctor to get it. Re your partner and you feeling second to everything, I think it would be a good idea to talk things through and if after that you still don't feel any better, then maybe you both need help from an independent counsellor.

hez88 profile image
hez88 in reply to DeadfootMo

Thank you for the reply, we've spoken on and off about things but I've got so much going on in my life everything is just slipping away from me. :( xx

DeadfootMo profile image
DeadfootMo in reply to hez88

Hello again hez88, Sometimes when there is just too much going on we do lose control of things, especially when those we love don't actually help and you feel that you have it all to do on your own. I think the biggest key or tip here is to list the most important and time pressing things that need attending to and your feet issues should be at no 1, this may mean placing your partner or husband at no 6, but if you don't their needs will over rule your own, running you down further.

I find it absolutely shocking when partners or husbands put their needs first when they have the least number of problems. A friend of mine is almost housebound and all her husband harps on about is not going on a holiday for the last 4 years. He has had plenty of opportunities to go on a holiday but makes it an excuse that the wife needs him at home. But when he is at home he doesn't do a solitary thing to help her. My friend is approaching that stage when she will need help to get up, get ready and washed etc And I'm the only one who manages to get her out when I can. The daughter and son and law only land when they need money and sadly the granddaughter is developing a similar attitude.

As a friend I am not sure if I am doing the right thing helping to get her out, go to the shops etc but if it wasn't for me she wouldn't be getting out at all.

My friend needs a hip replacement but has delayed and delayed all the time because of a fear that it could go wrong. So the daughter recently suggested that she could move into her council flat as it is on the ground floor and she, her hubby and daughter could move into the family home permanently. I did tell her the council don't allow you to pick who the next tenant would be and if that did happen and she needed a care home at a later date her own home would have to be sold. She was pretty adamnant that would not happen as it was her right to inherit and she would be living in it, and the local authority could not make her homeless. Sadly, I had to tell her that Last Wills and Testaments can be over ruled in England should you need the services of a care home and you own property.

My advice to my friend and her hubby is to seek legal advice asap on their situation, should my friend need surgery and a care home even if it is temporary.

I helped another friend with a similar issue a few years ago, as one day I saw a For Sale sign in the garden. She had just lost her husband of 35 years. But the son from the first marriage was trying to sell the property from underneath her. She said that they had been taking her to old folks homes suggesting she moves out asap. I asked her how she felt about that and she said she didn't think there was anything else she could do. As her husbands Will from 35 years ago made the son the sole beneficiary from the first marriage. She felt depresseed and and was getting annoyed about the way her property was being treated. So I suggested she gets a lock smith to change the locks. Then to get some legal advice about a 35 year old Will which must be invalid due to the passage of time and the complete change in circumstances, and that she should register her own Will with a Solicitors office asap along with the deeds for the house. She did all of this and found out a lot more for the short spell of advice given to her from a solicitor. She thanked me for the suggestion and told me that the son and daughter from the first marriage were not entitled to anything at all. Instead it turns out that she was entitled to 70% of the property and all fixed assets, fluid capital etc and the remaining 30% should go to the children she had with her husband of 35 years. The stress she went through during this period made her very ill but unlike the heartless son from her husbands first marriage her own daughters gave her every support possible and did not suggest any way of getting from her their inheritance, when their dad passed away. This lady stayed in her home for a further 7 years and last year she passed away at home.

I then watched from a distance the shenanigans the two girls faced when this son from the first marriage turned up. No kidding he had to be physically removed by the police on several occasions.

So by sharing and reading of someone else's trouble's sometime's our own may feel reduced.

KentLymphatics profile image

Sorry for late reply.. Hope you have now been seen by your GP or X-Ray done. Whilst we wait I would advise on Kinesio Taping. I had the similar problem and was referred to podiatrist after x-ray. They gave me very painful insoles to the point that I was in tears. Luckily when out and about I bumped into Footbalance at Dobbies Garden centre they Assessment my feet (3D) Scanning at the same time custom making my insoles. You only pay for insloles and not Assessment whereas if you go to other places it will cost you over £200 ( speaking from past experience) 😱😭. Every 3-4 months I go back to get new insoles made I have now been able to wear my shoes that I couldn’t wear. I use the tape less. But still use occasional rub with Ibuprofen gel ( pound shop) Good luck

Brandish54 profile image

I am feeling the same not for same reasons I got really down the other day I was looking at all the fun people I know was having on Facebook I got very down and was snapping at everybody it do not help being sat on my arse for month due to ulcer on foot my husband all he thinks of going out and about leaving me stuck in house ( not aloud to walk much because of ulcer ) football and our youngest son is his priorities leaving our oldest son to what he cannot be bothered to I told my husband it is not up to our son but it is his job that is why he took redundancy to help me ( no help at all ) at times I feel invisible I hope I have not added to your probs just letting you know I understand what I think sod to the lot of them selfish gits as for pain in heels could plantar facitis or hard lumps under skin both of these I experienced

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