Wondered if anyone knows if MLD is ok with Factor V, I recently had four sessions five months after mastectomy - I have arm and trunk swellings but ankle and leg have now swollen as well after the MLD and I had 10 days of extreme pain under scar which is thankfully subsiding. I did wonder if practitioner was experienced enough especially when she suggested I buy a compression unit for the trunk on telephone when I know you need to be measured by an expert and when I called them they indeed confirmed this. I have not booked any more. Any thoughts would be appreciated. Thank you.
Lymphodena / MLD / Factor V Leiden: Wondered if anyone... - LSN
Lymphodena / MLD / Factor V Leiden
Ingrid - where did you have the treatments? Did the therapist liaise with your breast cancer surgeon or nurse? Are you on anticoagulants? Has the leg swelling been checked to rule out thrombosis?
It was in Oxford with someone recommended by MLD Uk and yes she had letter from oncologist I can’t get appt with GP for five weeks but spoke with her and she said wait and see - felt really looked after - not !
Good Day!
Has your physician approved of MLD?
If yes, MLD can be done. However, the physician must dictates the grade of compression that will benefit you, then you get measured by the MLD practitioner or a representative from the likes of Juzo, etc.... Ask your doctor if you need Ted hose versus compression stockings, sleeves, etc...
Hope that this is useful to you. The DOCTOR's guidelines...key factor. Good Day🤗
Thank you she didn’t say anything other than have MLD will call tomorrow thank you for the advice x