Hi, I am new to the forum,
I have had lipo Lymphoedema in both legs for around 15 years. I used to get treatments and stockings from Willen Hospice in Milton Keynes. I was referred back to my GP as Willen Hospice stopped treating patients with primary Lymphoedema. I have had many serious bouts of cellulitis, going to hospital and many rounds of antibiotics.
In the last 7 or so years the GP has not measured me for new stockings or given me any treatment at all.
Each time I need new stockings I have to go back to the GP repeatedly to get the prescription correct, they never include all information that needs to be on the prescription. The stocking prescription I have at the moment is completely out of date, being around 5 years old.
I asked my GP to measure me for new stockings and I was told to go to my chemists who would measure me. I was not satisfied by this so asked to be referred to a Lymphoedema clinic. I received a letter to say they had referred me to the hospital. I went for the appointment today only to be told that they do not offer treatment or measuring, this has to be done with my GP.
I am so frustrated. My stockings are hanging off as they are so loose, even when they are new as the measurements are wrong now.
Is there anyone else from the Milton Keynes area that could tell me if their GP surgery is good or point me in the right direction to get measured correctly? I need to change for somewhere that can treat me properly. I am at my wits end with this.
Sorry the post is so long, I am just trying to cover everything to give a full picture.