Have you tried the massage therapy ,it really helps but mustbe done by a licensed therapist. It works wonders, there is also a lot of stuff on google ,exercises and dry brushing, self helps .
Getting help through massage : Have you tried the... - LSN
Getting help through massage

Hi Hammer48 - sounds like you enjoy massage. Are you in the US? In the UK massage therapy doesn't require licensing, but advice is to check that lymphoedema therapists have done appropriate training.
Yes, I have MLD (Manual Lymphatic Drainage) every month, and found my therapist via LSN. I have to pay, even though I don't cost NHS anything as I can't pull compression garments on due to weakness after polio.
I now regularly have RLD - reflexology lymph drainage and have found that this has helped with reduction of swelling at the time of treatment and longer.
It also helps with the mental lows as well.
Are you in the UK? I'd like to try RLD. Can any Reflexologist do this?
Yes I am - where in the uk are you located.
There is a website with all the RLD trained reflexologists but it's not that up to date. If there is no one local to you I can see if there is someone
Thank you, I'll have a look
I have full leg LE in both legs. I have no lymphatic vessels or valves, and malfunctioning lymph groin nodes. I have weekly MLD with a MLDUK approved therapist. She uses a deep oscillation (Hivamat machine) which helps keep the skin/tissue soft (it wants to become fibrotic). Weekly MLD keeps me mobile and able to stay in work.
I recently started RLD - 3 sessions so far. The therapist is properly RLD trained by the person who invented RLD in the UK. There is a website of trained RLD therapists - don't use a bog standard reflexologist as they do not get RLD specific training.
I've found that RLD does drain both my legs. However the drainage results of MLD are better. I'm using both therapies now, with RLD a couple of times per month in addition to weekly MLD.
I was very sceptical about RLD but it does achieve drainage in Lymphie legs and it is not as expensive as MLD (£65 is the cost of MLD therapists in Surrey while RLD is £35). The bonus of RLD is that she comes to my home