Ive had cellulitis twice now and had 4 consecutive IV drug treatments, it appears to have settled now but am scared it will come back, h s s anyone got any tips to keep it away.
cellulitis: Ive had cellulitis twice now and had... - LSN

I believe, apologies if I'm wrong, if you get Cellulitis twice in one year you should be put on low dose antibiotics for life, if I've got that wrong I'm sure someone will put me right and be able to help you better than I can, good luck xxxx
There is a downloadable document on the LSN website about cellulitis - print it off and take it to your GP. Repeated infections can be an indication that you require long term antibiotics - the document explains this well.
Wouldn't trying to reduce the extra "fluid" in the affected limb as much as possible also reduce the chances of getting cellulitis again?
I cannot locate the document regarding cellulitis on the LSN website. Could someone please post the link that leads you right to the article?
You can find the link by following the tab Living With Lymphoedema - then click on the Cellulitis tab and the pdf is embedded part way down the page.
I totally agree with the other comments. I was put on long term antibiotics after having cellulitis twice in 6 months. i also have stronger antibiotics at home to take if I notice cellulitis beginning to nip it in the bud. I take them with me if I go away.
Have you been shown exercises to reduce the swelling? These are life long too. You need to contact your GP about the antibiotics and if you don't get any joy, contact your lymphoedema nurse who should be able to help. Your lymphoedema nurse should be able to show you exercises and the LSN have a DVD showing them.
Hope things have now calmed diwn for you xx
My lymphoedema nurse wrote to the doctor requesting I should have prophylactic anti biotics ( for life) . When I saw doctor, he had no idea of the dosage, it is based on your bmi, fortunately I carry a copy of the LSN document at all times( just in case) so he was able to calculate the dosage from the info. in this. He was going to do research and read up on the LSN website afterwards. Result!! I recommend anyone with lymphoedema to print off a copy and carry it your bag as it is such an anomaly to most people, including the medical profession. Do your own research, there's lots of info. on the Internet and it will also help you to understand this devastating, depressing problem and realise that you are not alone and can overcome the low feelings ( most of the time).
Hi, what document is it that you have.
If you are a member of the LSN they will send you a neater booklet of the same document, although I believe this is currently being reprinted as it is revised every year. It is also available on the British Lymphology Society website on the front page. On the LSN website go to the tab 'Cellulitis' and there is a link within the page.
Do you have to be an landlord member to get lymphoedema leaflet ?

Sorry, not sure what you mean? If you join you can ask for any of the LSN's leaflets as far as I am aware
I might of read it wrong but when I went on it said you had to be a member £15 per year, unless I was looking at something else
Don't no wat the landlord bit is lol must of been my dictionary and me not looking what I was writing
Our local health board here in west Wales has had a complaint against it - a lady went to the Out of Hours GP at the local General Hospital as she had a blister rash on her arm - she had lymphoedema in that arm following cancer surgery. She was diagnosed with shingles and sent home. Next morning she collapsed and died later in the day at the same hospital - complete organ failure from sepsis. The GP had not taken any account of the lymphoedema nor had he taken usual checks such as temperature, pulse and blood pressure. So YES - keep the article with you and wave it under the nose of any medical staff coming near you!! wales.nhs.uk/sitesplus/docu...