Sock it to lymphoedema - next week is lymphoedema awareness week in the UK. Please get your friends and family to show their support by wearing odd socks or gloves for a day and making a donation to the LSN. If they are asked why they have odd socks on then ask them to say 'I am CHOOSING to wear different socks/gloves today- people with lymphoedema don't have that choice'. Post a selfie and pass it on.
To donate text LSNS14 together with how much you wish to donate to 70070.
Here are some suggested words for those doing the 'sock it to
lymphoedema' challenge if they get asked why they are wearing odd socks or gloves next week.
'Lymphoedema is a long term condition caused when the lymphatic system doesn't work effectively either because it was not formed properly or because it has been damaged. It leads to swelling in all or parts of the body, changes to the skin and an increased risk of infection. There is no cure and anyone of any age or gender can develop it. Part of the treatment is to wear compression garments all day everyday. I am CHOOSING to wear different socks/gloves today- people with lymphoedema don't have that choice