I've always been fairly active but have found over the past few years that my legs stiffen up (especially overnight) and tire more easily than before. I'm now unable to run although I do continue to do as much exercise and sport as I can. What I would like to know is 'is this down to the Lymphoedema or should I be looking for other problems'. Anyone else in the same boat?
Stiffness in legs.... I've primary Lymphoedema in both... - LSN
Stiffness in legs.... I've primary Lymphoedema in both legs but find compression stockings work well at controlling swelling around ankles.

Hi Johnny, my legs get tired and ache after running but i always put it down to the amount of fluid i carry in each leg - also i never run far, it is simply part of an outdoor interval training session i do on each week. i carry about 3kg of fluid in each leg so when you think about it a healthy individual running with 3kg weights around each ankle would also suffer from tired and stiff legs. I find cycling better as it is more supportive with less weight going through each time i peddle. I am not one to give in, but we do have to make small allowances!
Hi Naomi, I'm interested to know how one calculates the amount and thereby the weight of fluid residing in the legs - 3 kg sounds a lot to me, I'm sure I haven't got anywhere near that much fluid. The fact that you can still run, does seem to eliminate that it's the Lymphoedema causing my problem. I do use a cross trainer daily and find short sessions on it of real benefit to me.
Please tell me anything you
know about magnesium. Do we have any evidence it can
help lymphodema? Thank you
Hi Johnny, I have no idea; it is what i was told when i was diagnosed about 8 years ago. I imagine if one is of fairly normal weight throughout the body it is quite easy to guestimate how much the excess fluid weights - although not scientific!! I use the lympha-press that really helps to keep the volume down. i love it so much that i now distribute it within the UK and Ireland. if you would like to try it at any time let me know or email me at naomi@compressiontherapyuk.com. if you are not in the UK i will let you know who distributes in your country. Pushkin is right; everyone says that swimming is the best exercise. but i hate swimming unless it is 90 degrees in the shade! NNE