Will the pain in my legs, when I remove my compression... - LSN


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Will the pain in my legs, when I remove my compression stockings, reduce with wear? Only on my 3rd day but I was kept awake by burning pain

Bigangel profile image
13 Replies
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Bigangel profile image
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13 Replies
jaxster profile image

Hi. I wear class 4 (strongest compression) from the minute I wake up to going to bed but I cannot tolerate them in bed at night. I know how painful this must be for you but maybe you need to check again whether you need to wear them at night too? I always find when I'm sat with my feet up for long periods of time my toes become numb and my legs hurt. I'm forced to get up and keep them moving.Either that or my lovely hubby will sit and continually wiggle my toes and massage my lower leg and foot. I hope it gets better for you x

Lruk profile image

I am often woken in the night in pain, but it is a straightforward pain, not a burning. My compression stockings help reduce the pain a bit but not as much as I had hoped.

The pain during the day is usually worse.

I would be going back to your doctor or nurse to check on this, if I was you. Sorry I can't be more helpful.

Hepsibar profile image

I was told as long as I wear my stockings for 16 hours a, then there would be need to wear them at night as my legs would be raised anyway. Check with your lymphoedema nurse.

Good luck

lavendar profile image

Hello,I`m trying to think back to when I first started wearing compression stockings(I can`t at moment,I`ve cellulitis] and perhaps if you were to shower and then moisturise them after taking them off it may help.Mine are constantly burning,I am forever seeking a cold spot in bed for them.I hope it will settle down .soon

Bigangel profile image

Thanks folks, it helps to know I am not alone. Sorry, I didn't express myself clearly - I take my stockings off at night and it is then the pain begins, I don't sleep in them. While I have them on it is mainly itching that is a problem. I will try the shower and moisturiser as soon as I take them off this evening. Yesterday I wore them only half a day (midday until 9pm) and the pain was less during the night. Has anyone had any explanation as to the burning? I find I can often tolerate things better if I understand why they happen. (Well, so far, I can!)

Earteam12 profile image
Earteam12 in reply to Bigangel

Hi I also get burning in my legs,but my nurse told me to drink more water and it worked,if I forget to drink at least six glasses a day (I drink it hot) the burning comes back ...hope this helps

Bigangel profile image
Bigangel in reply to Earteam12

It won't hurt to try! Thanks for the tip.

BettyFrance profile image
BettyFrance in reply to Bigangel

My legs burn at night horribly for maybe 12 years. Dr can't explain. Just today I realized I've worn elastic stockings for 12 years just during the day. They seem to fit okay. Connection? I wonder. Going to do some testing.

morganite profile image

i found some of the symptoms do settle in time, I get bouts where they burn and hurt, Its all to do withe the pressure and circulation in your legs, and of course the lymphatic drainage is compromised. I take pain killers, of couse moisturise, I do suffer from terribel irritation at times, i was given tablets to help with that, i was tempted to scratch etc but of course that wouldnt do. Keeping your skin intact and moisturised all helps prevent any cellulitis occuring, Good luck.

janeymb04 profile image

I have to wear mine 24 / 7 ...... and when i take my stockings off, it seems like my legs start to fill with fluid and stretch the skin and it is very painful. even to take them off for a shower. keep your legs moisturised

Mon1caM profile image

Do check you don't have cellulitis. I had severe burning, itching, pain that woke me up at night until I was diagnosed and treated with antibiotics for cellulitis - I now have legs that are much more comfy and less swollen, and can tolerate the Farrowwraps that I have for night time use, also the compression stockings for the day. all the best!

galtyboi profile image

I wear two pairs of compression stockings at once,one pair tight and second pair not so tight,I remove them at night and moisturize my legs with Hydromol perscribed by my gp and for pain im percribed co- codamol tablets,im allowed eight a day,this helps keep my pain down and keeping my legs moist helps keep cellulitis at bay.My feet sometimes get very cold so I purchased a massager which is fantastic for blood circulation and put the colour back on my feet.Lymphedema is uncomfortable but by keeping your legs moisturised and pain killers and massager for circulation ,I cope with it and get on with it ,there are people a lot worse off thats the way I look at it ,why complain ,its the hand I was dealt ,now I got to deal with it ,and you will too,in time you will take no notice of it ,its just an every day chore thats the way I look at it now.

Brandish54 profile image

I have had lymphoedema for 20 years plus wearing compression bandages for 16 years . The first few years I managed with tubigrip a tight fitting bandages . Now I have to wear bandages from toe to top of leg only allowed to remove them to clean legs due to the fact my legs swell at a excessive speed . If I leave bandages off for more than an hour I would not be able to fit bandages on . I suffer with burning it feel like my legs are on fire also I have a dripping sensation from under skin it feel like my legs are leaking . I am often woke by pain I have to pace up and down to relieve pain but it do not last long . I rarely have more than four hours sleep . Also do you experience restless legs where you have to keep moving them every few minutes

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