Over it all: Hi does anyone get burning... - Living with Anxiety

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Over it all

Dorsey profile image
10 Replies

Hi does anyone get burning pain in left side under ribs and stiff feeling upper back one side. Worried sick about it everytime i go to the docs told s ystemic symptoms of anxiety. Don't know how it can be anxiety when its there almost every day.

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Dorsey profile image
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10 Replies
Aard profile image

Hi, Dorsey. I’ve never experienced exactly what you are describing, but I’ve had many other symptoms that were eventually found to be products of stress and anxiety (usually after something resolved in my life and the “weight” lifted for a bit). My first thought for you is to ask you to insure that you have a full work-up including if necessary an MRI and at least an XRay. I’m not a doctor but I’ve found I usually feel better if I know that something is not wrong structurally. You may have already had those or other tests, but do insure you’re satisfied that all big hitters have already been checked off...to my mind meaning a full blood panel, the tests above, and a stress test. Once those are done without any positive (bad) results, you can assure yourself that at least you are healthy physically. I have had to do that kind of stuff all the time...e.g. when I was worried sick about my finances and future money for retirement etc., I could not think of anything else. I had to eventually sit down and do a full budget...really much more than I had done in years...and then I had to find a full financial consultant and work up a life plan...and only then could I let it go. Of course the fixation needs a focus so before too long to it would have found something else to agonize over...ruminations about present or past relationships, my own health, the shame of some perceived sin from long ago, whatever. Anxiety is a real feeling but almost never “means anything” from the perspective of our current reality. In my example we were able to retire without any particular problem although certainly not in the style of the rich or famous, LOL. And my health is OK although I did find underlying heart conditions that are now being controlled with meds. And so on. Free-floating fear (anxiety) always needs a place to settle. Remember it’s a chemical reaction (adrenaline, cortisone, serotonin imbalances, etc. It really isn’t you. You aren’t going crazy and you aren’t responsible for it being here....you didn’t do anything wrong, but you do need to have a plan to manage it. Various things like meds, talk therapy, cardiovascular exercise, meditation, identification of real stressors in your life and working through them all have the possibility of making you feel better...but will never eliminate your underlying predisposition towards anxiety, at least in my case. They have eventually eliminated (more or less) my panic attacks, however! Yay!

FYI, I am in my 70s and have been working on my GAD disorder for 60 years or so. It’s better now but it’s still there and I’m sure always will be. I’m not particularly depressed about that “fact” because, since I can manage it more or less. Please know I’ll be praying for a “nearly” full recovery for you...you can get through this.

Dorsey profile image
Dorsey in reply to Aard

Thank you for your reply. Yes i am 70 had anxiety for 40 years. I am on medication which helps a little. Have had full blood work done ultra sound all good. Just never feel right lost my s on to cancer 10 weeks ago and just doesnt go away only for short periods of time. The more i worry the worse i get. Have had strange legs for 4 years since i retired had dexa scan for that. Nothing comes up. Many thanks.

Aard profile image
Aard in reply to Dorsey

OMG...you hadn't mentioned your son before I don't think,,,,or else I missed it...so sorry! The trauma of that is overwhelming to think about...of course you're anxious. I don't even know what I would do.....wow. Maybe let the other stuff go for a bit until you begin to recover a little bit from that? Way beyond my pay grade but I'm very sorry.

Nobster profile image

The plus side is there’s not much that can go wrong under your left lower ribs 😄

Anxiety comes in all shapes and sizes and if you genuinely think it’s a concern then push for answers. Good luck.

Dorsey profile image
Dorsey in reply to Nobster

Thank you.

Aaron08 profile image

I have that symptom. It sounds like your anxiety as triggered an upset stomach which I am dealing with right now the more you calm down the more it will go away I drink hot tea to calm it down or ask your GP for exercises or medication to make it subside.

Dorsey profile image
Dorsey in reply to Aaron08

Thank you yes I'm supposed to have gastritus that explains the stomache but so many other symptoms something everyday. Very scarey at times i panic thinking i have cancer. As i can't get thast word out of my head after losing my so n 3 months ago to cancer. I drink lots of tea when i calm down it dissappeared for couple of days but always comes back.😊

Abbiejade3 profile image

Yes Ive been experiencing a real burning/stabbing pain but in my right upper rib for a few months made worse when I breathe or move quickly, it comes and goes Ive had it before and its always been put down to anxiety even through it physically burns. When I last visited my GP about it they prescribed a second antidepressant! Which Im not taking as I think one is enough but its so strange how mental health can cause physical pain x

Take care

Dorsey profile image
Dorsey in reply to Abbiejade3

Thank you strange things happen to body when you think the worst all the time.

Crystal1534 profile image

Yes I have experienced similar pains and more . I'm so sick of doctors telling us it's nothing probably anxiety, when it is physical pain. Starting to finally think could it really be ? Our minds are very powerful,u know.

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