Tonight i had another one of my anxiety attacks . it came out of no where. everyone is asleep . i feel trapped. ive been dealing with my anxiety for 3 years now and the quarantine has only made it worse . just want somebody to talk to that understands .
tips for anxiety ?: Tonight i had... - Living with Anxiety
tips for anxiety ?

Well done on asking for help Curly, that's a great start. The simplest and surest help that I use to calm my family (all sufferers) is to remind them "this will pass" and it will ! There are plenty of us Curly and we're thinking of you.
COV19 will pass as well - we'll be ok - stay strong.
just thought I would check in with you to see how you are doing this week?
im trying really hard for my sake and the people around me but i’m struggling. your reply put a genuine smile on my face thank you
Of course, it's good that we can be here to support and encourage one another. Sorry that I didn't see your post sooner. You are definitely not alone in the quarantine adding to the anxiety. Since you have been dealing with this for the past few years, do you know what your triggers generally are?
I do actually.. for the most part . Generally i know what sets my ticks off but recently it’s getting really difficult to prevent. I know my family wants to help but they don’t know how to. I have a doctors appointment on monday to assess my anxiety with a different doctor even tho i’ve been diagnosed twice . i wanna get better. I know anxiety’s a thing a lot of people learn to live with but when my episodes get intense it makes me hate myself.
glad to hear about your appointment on Monday. Since it is a new doctor I encourage you to be strong in explaining your experiences and your needs. Obviously working with a medical doctor is important for treatment via medication. Do you/have you worked with a counselor as well? Learning to accept ourselves the way we are, even with a mental health diagnosis, is so important! And like you said, your family would like to help but they probably don't truly understand unless you have made a specific point of educating them. So it helps a lot to have a counselor to get through some of the mental blocks like the self-hatred.