Have anxiety daily. I was wondering if anyone else besides me feels like you can't get a full breath. I feel this is what is causing my anxiety. Does anyone have any suggestions how to overcome this?
Any tips on breathing with anxiety - Living with Anxiety
Any tips on breathing with anxiety

The Alexander Technique teaches good breathing you should breathe in thru your nose as much air as possible fill your lungs and expand your ribs to acommodate as much as you.can.then hold it for as long as you can then slowly breathe out through your mouth pursing your lips
Don't hunch your shoulders as you.do this
Hi I think it is more likely your anxiety is causing your breathlessness as this is a very common symptom of it. There are lots of breathing exercises online especially tailored to help with anxiety so have a look online. x
hyperventilating causes me to have increased anxiety and then triggers my panic attacks. My husband has asthma and told me that when he would feel out of breath he would put his arms over his head to open up his lungs. Not sure if it will help but give it a try sometime. Also, look up drinking more water to calm anxiety. Maybe get a plant or house tree put it in your room.
I believe its anxiety I didn't have this issue until I had my first panic attack. That in itself was so traumatic. Thank you. Hope it goes away soon
I have the Headspace app and their Sleep recordings have some nice breathing practices. Using headspace overall has given me a reliable thing to turn to when I feel anxious.
For me for a long time the trick was distraction, focus on something that's not my breathing because trying to breatge 'properly' made me feel more strange. But as I gradually accepted that panic attacks weren't killing me, I began to calm down enough for breathing exercises to work.
Hope that helps.