For years I've had problems with health anxiety and now it's out In full force.. I'm scared I'm going to get it I'm scared for my family.. I sit finding myself deep breathing and listening to my chest which there is no sound, I'm taking my temperature all the time and making my partner take his temp all the time too I dont know what to do with myself is there any calming things you guys do??? Literally juste want to go to sleep and wake up and this all be over xxx
Anxiety Coronavirus and having a meltd... - Living with Anxiety
Anxiety Coronavirus and having a meltdown

Health anxiety is so hard at the best of times but I'm feeling you right now as mine is rampant as well... I'm sorry I can't be helpful and tell you how to fix but just know your not alone. Hopefully it will be over sooner than we think... All the best X
I am just the same , I have a thermometer and I think it is the worse thing I could have got I am forever taking my temp and it changes fro 36.5 and sometimes has gone up to 37.1 and I panic
I panic if I feel cold , I panic when my legs hurt , I panic if I sneeze I panic now at everything I feel ,!
I am sat here and my hubby has had to go to the corner shop for essentials and I am in a state because I cannot see him and wondering I hope he is following the rules !!!
Life is really bad for me to and I have no advice except keep talking and I hope we soon stops
Try and distract yourself as much as you can even though I know it is hard but do your best
Take Care x
I’ve found since all this is happening I’m concentrating on my breathing which is making feel like a can’t breath properly and my chest feels tight it’s awful until I forget about it
I’m literally going through the exact same. It’s a horrible dreadful feeling like your making yourself think your waiting for something bad to happen.
I get really anxious about health as well and death also. So this virus is the perfect combo for my anxiety.
Let me know if you find a way to help yourself as I’m still working on it too
Like once I start getting anxious and worrying it's like a burning feeling thought my body its horrible.. just looking at a thing saying can you change the situation no.. is worrying about it going to change it no... so try and chill myself out a bit easier said then done xx