When I fix something, or to replace something, make the phone call, go to the place... I feel better... then I may drink laa asYet when the anxiety arises and feel out of control so then I fix some problem or make sure I get something important done. I suffer so much and feel such guilt because I’m really not good enough to myself right now.
Not good enough right now: When I fix... - Living with Anxiety
Not good enough right now

I am so sorry you are going through this Starrlight. And I want to help you in any way I can. Though I don’t know what is causing you to not feel good enough, I suspect that maybe it is because of the way you were treated growing up, or maybe even by people in your current circumstances? Can you explain? Or if it would make you feel more comfortable, please feel free to PM me. Just know that I am here for you! ❤️
Hi Star,
We've all had days like that and should look forward to better days.
Never fear the ''lions''; they are chained. Focus on the chains
I am so sorry to hear of the pain that you are experiencing right now. Have you seen your GP or are you seeing a counselor? I couldn't help seeing some of your other posts. If you need immediate help, I would recommend texting 741741 or calling the suicide prevention line.
Please be kind to yourself, your kids need you. As human beings, we are flawed and we make mistakes. Even with all our mistakes, our kids are far better with us. Maybe this list of resources on ways to take care of yourself would be helpful for you? list.ly/list/2EUz-the-selfl...
Praying that God gives you comfort and peace as you turn to him.