Does anyone else experience dizziness from their anxiety. I could be just walking and not really anxious per say and get really dizzy and than I get anxiety and feel shaky from getting dizzy, and my head feels like weird and heavy....
Dizzyness from anxiety... this happen ... - Living with Anxiety
Dizzyness from anxiety... this happen to others?
Oh yes!i always feel like my head is underwater.or in a vice.never any pain just a really horrible sensation.and I’m always lightheaded/off balance amongst other horrible symptoms.I've been told all anxiety and I’m now in therapy and accepting.someone very wise on this forum told me to take my symptoms with me and carry on my life and that’s what I’ve started to do.anxiety is a bully and needs to be stood up too.always here if you want a chat x
was out in the car yesterday getting shopping and suddenly felt anxious and then dizzy it happens in a split second and there was the choice to either panic and build on the anxiety which would have increased symptoms I chose to carry on what I was doing and let it pass as it did and I had a nice morning out shopping so it happens in a second and it is how we react to it I think that denotes what happens next xx
Yes. It's one of the major symptoms of anxiety. As time passes and you work on your anxiety it will pass. It's scary, I use to get it when I went into stores. I would use the buggy to help keep me steady.
Yes! I was just walking a few days ago and got this dizzy spell and thought I was about to pass out. I took it slow and sat down and then it went away, but it comes and goes.