Go with the pain. Let it take you. Open your palms and your body to the pain with a deep breath-it has to be as deep as the pain-one reaches a kind of inner freedom from pain- as though the pain that you experience were not yours but your body’s. The spirit lays the body on the alter.
A writing by Anne Morrow Linbergh , A ... - Living with Anxiety
A writing by Anne Morrow Linbergh , A drawing by me

That's an awesome thought to ponder over. I love philosophical thoughts and conversations.
Me too Aaronm! So the last line, “The spirit lays the body on the alter”...what do you think it could mean?... I’ve been pondering it and I think it means giving up a body for death by the spirit.
I agree with the general conclusion that it means giving up a body for death but ill add one little bit that in doing so it relieves the body from pain and the spirit remains pain free.
Nice Aaronm. The word alter makes me think of sacrificing our bodies for our souls so that we will lift up to the heavens or wherever our spirits take us when we are finished with the earth.
I agree with that! Do we always have to die to be relieved from pain? Can we live pain free with a diagnosed mental or physical illness? The illness doesn't go away. Does the pain?
Love the drawing and the writing.
Thank you x
Hello Starrlight
You have such a beautiful way with words , a talented lady
Take Care x
Nice, Starr...
Sometime it's not the mountain which looms large but rather the pebble in
our shoe. Muhammad Ali
I love the drawing and the poem!! Thank you so much for sharing
- Alisha

You’re welcome Alisha! I enjoy sharing what I love ❤️ Spreading the peace and joy I hope!