Anyone feel out of it on their first few weeks of Ssri
Out of it : Anyone feel out of it on... - Living with Anxiety
Out of it

I been feeling strange not feeling like myself crying more feel more depressed and anxious and I been on Prozac for a week
Hope you r ok
I haven’t heard great things about prozac. Catlover, what are you currently taking?
What have u heard about Prozac?
Increasing depression and suicidal thoughts. I’m sure it works for some people. I just know a few who had a hard time with it.
I keep hearing bad things about Prozac I been on it 2 weeks and am noticing am more depressed and anxious before taking it I was a little anxious but now I haven't left my house in 2 days don't know what to do because people keep saying it takes 6-8 weeks am unhappy
If you’re getting in the habit of not being able to leave your house, I would definitely change meds. Doctors always say give it time, but if you drop that drastically, the medication is obviously having a really bad effect. Prozac is an old drug. I was on it in high school 20 years ago. Lexapro is really good! I was on that for years. I got immune to it so I went off. Seriquil is being recommended lately. Definitely stop the Prozac and call your doctor. I’m worried about you 😕