Hi, I'm sorry for the picture but I've been dealing with something that's giving me major anxiety and I need help. It's a long story, 7 weeks ago I started having my pms symptoms for 2 weeks, then I ended up going to the hospital because of pain and it all involved a viral infection of the stomach. So a day later I get my period, a light flow. I get the light flow for 2 weeks but nothing heavy. I've never had sex but I freaked out because I used my dads towel an hour he used it on accident. So I thought I was pregnant, the hospital did a urine and blood test and the test was negative. I got my period after the 2 weeks of light bleeding. I started to bleed really heavy with big clots which is kind of normal because I've been dealing with heavy periods since I first got my period at 11. Well i bled heavily for 2 weeks, my flow got lighter in the third week. I started to have these weird blood clots shown below in the picture. So I'm worried and looking all over the place as to what causes these type of blood clots. Even now, I wake up with a deep red blood stain then get these clots and stop for the rest of the day. I know I cant be pregnant due to the fact that I have never had sex so what is it? Please help I would really appreciate it! I'm currently 19 and I'm having major anxiety over these blood clots.
Period Blood clots after my period - Living with Anxiety
Period Blood clots after my period

Blood clots can be something some women get with their periods
Always good though to get it checked out , not because I think it is serious as I used to get them
I know this is not a great time to get to see a Doctor but when I could I would try and get an appointment , show them the picture , let them tell you what they think and what is best to do
I will put you another link on which is another Community on HU which if you post on there they maybe able to give you some helpful advise to
I am sure you will be fine and let us know how you get on
Take Care x

Thank you so much! I've been having extreme anxiety lately
It will make you feel anxious but try not to
Women go through so much and these things can happen , a quick check up and hopefully that will put your mind at ease and then your anxiety will ease hopefully to x

Thank you, as soon as all this quarantine is over I will definitely go to my Gynecologist. I started taking pictures after this clot because other weird things came out. Although today I feel a lot better and I think my period is finally over after having it for a few weeks. Thank you for taking the time to reply <3
I imagine it will be nothing much if anything , but I did used to get them to , I am now middle aged and you have the change to look forward to in some years to come not sure which is the worse as I had bad periods when I was younger and I have had every symptom you can get with going through the change !
Try not to worry , I know easier said than done but it will be alright x

Thank you so much! Like I look up certain things that are going on with me and it automatically links to pregnancy. Although I've never had sex so that's not possible but I've been spotting now after my period with blood clots. Would that be normal? I'm sorry I'm still asking I'm just trying to find some answers now that we're in quarantine and I can't go out to the doctors. The flow tends to be light then stops then comes back with a blood clot or two then stops. My pelvis randomly has a pang of sharp pains for a few seconds then stops. I'm just not sure what's going on. It sucks looking it up because the spotting I have looks like what most call "Implantation bleeding" which isn't what I'm having but still worries me as to what is going on.
If you have never had sex then it would be impossible for you to be pregnant , it would be a miracle and I don't think these kind of miracles happen in fact I know they don't so cross that worry of your list
Sometimes it can be that are wombs thicken a little and cause these problems , it can be numerous little things , but 99.9% nothing serious , but they I am sure will sort it and give you the right treatment if any is needed
Can you have Skype calls with your Doctor ?
Some are doing this and then you could have told them as well as show them the picture , if not could you ask for a phone call from your Doctor as again in the UK at least all are doing that , I am just thinking this might help to give you some peace of mind
Try to keep of google as it can be the worse thing , 3 clicks and it has you with something serious and remember it has never seen or examined you so I would stop researching it will feed your fear and see if there is any chance you can talk to the Doctor or if there is a well woman clinic in your area they could be helpful to

Hi thank you so much for taking the time to reply to me!! You have taken all the weight off my chest. Honestly I've been freaking out, as I've said in my comment that I know I cant get pregnant through something impossible but my anxiety literally makes me even more anxious over the little things. I got my period so I know for sure I'm not pregnant. Right now I'm just dealing with small spotting after my period. I'm not sure what it could be but thank you so much. You are very kind! I'm trying tomorrow to see if I can contact my Doctor although in the US they have really expensive health insurance so I've been kind of dealing with it myself till I can find something to help. Thank you again
No you won't be pregnant for sure
I see in the US your system is so different from ours regarding health care and in a way we are lucky as we don't have to pay even though at the moment it is hard to get to see a Doctor with everything going of but we can get a phone call if we really need one
It seems it is easing now , you maybe unlucky and be one of those that has bad periods which blood clots can be common
I understand the expense but I wonder getting a Doctor to tell you there is nothing to worry about would be worth every penny it would cost you
Maybe you could even see what your next period is like , keep the picture , maybe start a dairy of your symptoms , how many days you bleed heavy and so on so when you do eventually get to see someone they have the full picture
I am sure everything will work out fine x

Thank you and that's really cool that in the UK everything is different. I wish here in the US health problems wouldn't be so expensive and difficult. Yeah I might just go once the quarantine is over that way I can see what's going on with me. Or I'll try to contact my doctor via zoom. Everything has been so difficult, I feel like my period had the worst timing lol
I know what you are feeling , at this moment in time with all the fear all ready we really don't need anything going wrong but trust me , I have a few bits and bobs I could do with seeing the doctor over but I just have to keep telling myself it will have to wait , main thing is we stay in and unless it is a real emergency try to protect ourselves from this dreadful virus , what ever little health problems we have we can hopefully get sorted soon xxx

Yeah, I think it's so much safer to stay in. I feel like my problem can wait, I've been dealing with Anemia for 4 years now. This time around with the really heavy period I took my anemia pills. I didn't need to re-visit the doctor just so that she can tell me to take the pills. Hopefully all this passes soon and we're all able to get back to normal. I'm just honestly feeling so much better, my anxiety kind of waved over me. Ihaven't been able to talk to my mom much about this because the whole thing is kind of a Taboo subject. My grandma didn't talk to my mom about any menstrual problems and nor does my mom know much of them. Especially for the questions i had. My sister suffers from heavy periods but doesn't like to talk about them. So i think im the only one who 's interested in the Female Menstrual cycle. Thank you so much I'm just feeling a bit relieved. I was really out there thinking I was pregnant over something stupid that in the back of my head I know can't get you pregnant. I had started to have symptoms and signs but there's not a chance I am. I think it was my anxiety, stress and google who had me scared.
I understand
To be honest it was a bit like that when I was growing up
My Mum always had problems , my Grandma did , I did , then my 2 grown up Daughters do , sometimes I think is it in the genes ?
Sounds to me like it could be in your case as it was in mine but again when it is safe to go out they will sort it out
I know one of my Daughters as well as a few other women that have heavy periods have gone on the pill ) contraceptive as this can help , but these are all things your Doctor will discuss and together you will decide x

I have gone on the pill a few times, when I was 15 i had my period for 2 months and in my head i thought that was normal. So when I told my mom I was still on it (Since we used to be so Taboo about it we wouldnt even mention it much when we would go on it) she got so scared and took me to the doctor's. They told me I had anemia and well from there on then they kept giving me birth control pills but for some reason my body doesn't like the Iron pills or the birth control pills if I take it more than a few weeks I started to feel sick, I get nauseous. So they found different alternatives for me to get better. Now my mom is a little more open with me, we can actually talk about it a little more. But theres still a small limit as to what we can talk about when it comes to it. I'm guessing its because she never had these problems growing up and my grandma isn't the type of person to give advice. My grandma is mexican and in a mexican household these things are all taboo. It's hard honestly I really appreciate you taking the time to answer. Honestly right now I would probably have gone even more crazy if I didn't talk to anyone about this. I'm really sorry to hear that one of your daughters have suffered heavy periods. It's honestly the worst pain and stress you can go through.
I had the same problems to as well as my Daughters , so trust me you are not alone
If you need to talk just give me a shout
This will eventually get sorted , I promise you x

I'm so sorry to hear that, it really is horrible to go through all this pain. Thank you so much again for your words and advice ❤ and same for you, if you ever need to talk I'm here
Hi Giselle!
You are def not pregnant so don't worry about that at all. My sister used to worry about stuff like that, like getting pregnant if she was in the pool with a guy. It is literally impossible to get pregnant like that.
I'm so sorry that you can't talk about it with your mom. My parents were like that too. Would never speak of that stuff .. I learned mostly everything from my best friend when I was younger! Now at the Dr, I ask a bunch of questions because that is what they are there for.
As for the period, I think it's normal. I have had periods like that where they are heavy and thick looking. It looks completely normal to me. As you get older , so many things change and it can be so scary. I'm 30 and I've experienced so many new things with my body that have never happened before, and with my anxiety, my mind goes out of control. But everything you explained from the "clots" to the pain, I've felt before too. Basically Before your period comes, the lining of your uterus gets thick and then it starts to shed when you get your period. Pretty sure this is why it is thick and clumpy. The best thing to do is educate yourself and not scare yourself! Don't look up scary things. Look up how things work and why they happen. You'll feel so much better when you know about how things work. This might help.
Also, keep in mind, you are able to go see a doctor for emergency. They don't want people going out and about for little things that can wait... But If something serious is happening with you and Doesn't feel right at all, call your doctor.

Thank you so much for taking the time to reply! I've been having major anxiety about all of this. With the whole pregnancy thing I know its impossible but for some reason my anxiety keeps reminding me of it. I'm sorry you also had to go through it, it sucks to have to go through pain with a period. And thank you I will definitely check it out! I actually tried contacting the Gynecologist I go to and the offices are closed until who knows when. The emergency rooms are really expensive, when I had gone weeks ago they actually charged $5000 just for 3 hours of waiting and for them to only tell me in 5 mins what I had. If things get worse I might go, all this is really causing me to have more anxiety. Thank you again for replying
when I was your age, I constantly worried about being pregnant too. It's a really scary thing to happen when you are young. If you just keep educating yourself and making smart decisions, you will be okay.

Thank you, currently my lower abdomen feels sore. I'm not sure if it's because I had my period for a long period of time. I'm not sure what's going on. I wish all this would just pass already. I don't tink I've ever been or felt so stressed
This has happened to me before with my period. I understand your anxiety! I think my period was late the month it happened because I was dealing with a lot of work stress and then all of a sudden it came on full force. It worried me a lot when it happened, but I believe it was my body shedding the things it normally would just the added stress and hormones were all out of wack. Something worth mentioned to your doctor just to verify though. Take care!
How have you been? Did you find some answers? Get checked for fibroids. I have them and clot heavily. For me, to the point of getting a hysterectomy but I am 51.
In my 40s I had the clots and they did a different procedure on the fibroids.
I hope you are well. I find it crazy how at 51, period issues are a thing in my life. I am so done with this stuff.
I hope you find answers.
Read up about fibroid embolisation, you don’t need a hysterectomy if you’re other wise healthy.