Sleep Anxiety? : Morning. I wake... - Living with Anxiety

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Sleep Anxiety?

Miss-P74 profile image
29 Replies


I wake every morning and feel like I’ve had a party in my head and like I’ve not had much sleep. Also makes me anxious for most of the morning or the feeling can last all day.

I’ve had a few calm days (which doesn’t happen often!) but this morning is dreadful.

I’ve suffered for years with high anxiety, but the sleep anxiety for about a year now.

I’m reading Dr Claire Weeks about acceptance and I’m doing my best at this but as I’m feeling anxious in sleep, will the book have any effect on me as can’t put into practice the things she asks if I’m sleeping !

Thanks 🙏🏻

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Miss-P74 profile image
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29 Replies

Hello & Welcome :-)

It is awful when your anxiety affects your sleep and then it does have an impact on your day and how you feel so I know this must be dragging you down

It is hard to accept it is something that takes practice as our pattern of thinking takes some changing , so don't give yourself a hard time because you are struggling with acceptance as said in the book , just keep practising it till eventually you can accept , we can only ever ask of ourselves to do our best and sounds like you are doing just that :-)

Not sure if you have spoken to your Doctor about how you are struggling but if you have or haven't it could be a idea to go and have a talk with them and see what support they could offer :-)

Always someone around if you need a chat :-)

Take Care x

Miss-P74 profile image
Miss-P74 in reply to

Hello lulu. Thank you for your reply.

I have been reading the book for a week on and off. So I know I will get there and in time I know I will accept and recover from it.

Funny enough! I had my first CBT session today! I told her about the sleep anxiety waking with panic and my head racing and what feels like conversations going round and round in my head in semi concise sleep. Horrible feelings. She said it’s normal with people with anxiety to have this and it will be something we will work on. 🌈

in reply to Miss-P74

Hello :-)

O only a week that is nothing at all no wonder you cannot grasp it yet :-)

Just keep reading end slowly but surely little bits will start going in your mind replacing the negative thoughts

That is great you are starting CBT

I always say this is not a race but we will all get there and I am sure you will to :-) x

Miss-P74 profile image
Miss-P74 in reply to

Thank You lulu. I will have the book as my bible till I know it back to front !

I know recovery is also a time thing and I have done 22 years with anxiety already so what’s another fee years to recovery.


in reply to Miss-P74

I know exactly what you mean , was anxious even as a child and now shall we be polite and say I am middle aged and still dealing with it in one way or another :-)

Look for any small improvements even coming on here and talking is a positive and focus on those , we will get there :-) x

Miss-P74 profile image
Miss-P74 in reply to

That’s all we can do. Deal with it. I fought it for years thinking that’s how you get better. Then since reading in here and Dr Claire Weeks book it’s all about acceptance 😂. Been totally doing it the wrong way!

We will indeed get there!

I’m 44 Sunday. Half my life of Anxiety We can do this!

in reply to Miss-P74

Exactly :-)

O Happy Birthday for Sunday , wish I could take 12 years of and be 44 again :-)

Hope you have something nice planned even if it is just been kind to yourself but whatever you do have a lovely day :-) x

Miss-P74 profile image
Miss-P74 in reply to

Aww thank you lovely!!! And thanks again for your words Let’s hope I can find peace when waking tomorrow. 🙏🏻

in reply to Miss-P74

Fingers crossed you can and we are always about to have a chat so you never have to feel alone :-) x

Miss-P74 profile image
Miss-P74 in reply to

That’s very reassuring. thank you. Have a lovely day. x

1OshunDreamer profile image

I've been an insomniacs my entire life. I recently had a break through that I've had anxiety my entire life too. I take my meds before I go to bed. I have a fitness tracker that heaps my sleep patterns. I average 4 hours by taking the meds at night. I also started using essential oils and occasionally get to 5 hours.

I'll be with you trying to get sleep.

Miss-P74 profile image
Miss-P74 in reply to 1OshunDreamer

I do actually sleep ok. I just wake with what feels like my unconscious is wake before me and I feel anxiety soon as my eyes open from the racing thoughts, but I couldn’t even say what the thoughts are. I just know there are there. Very hard to explain.

1OshunDreamer profile image
1OshunDreamer in reply to Miss-P74

ok, I understand now. Hmmm. Are you taking any new meds?

Miss-P74 profile image
Miss-P74 in reply to 1OshunDreamer

Thanks for your reply. No. Not takin anything. I did but stoped taking them. Didn’t like them.

I hope your ok and got some sleep 💤

Hello :-)

Did you have a nice Birthday , did you do anything or get some nice presents maybe ? x

Miss-P74 profile image
Miss-P74 in reply to

Hi Lulu. Aww thank you kindly ! I had a lovely day 😁. Went to lunch with my family and a stroll around the town after and had ice creams! Really fab day. Nice gifts too I’m feeling good too. 🤞🏼

How’s your weekend been ?

in reply to Miss-P74

Sounds like you had a perfect Birthday :-)

Me well I am struggling in this heat a little we are getting and the neighbours that seem to do constant DIY went away over night but they have found their way back and it is 5.30 when most will be having their tea including me shortly so what does he do , comes outside with the loudest electric saw and starts making a noise , I just find it so inconsiderate and I am starting to dislike them more each day which I think anyone would if they were having to listen to this everyday

Thank you for asking me though how I am :-) x

in reply to

Oh no lulu, I dislike your neighbours very much !

I never understand why people are so inconsiderate, because I betya your like me and would be bothered about disturbing the pet hate those inconsiderate ones. I’m sorry you have to tolerate that

🌺🌼🌺🌼 xx

in reply to

Yes Hidden I am like you , if ever I know there is going to be a noise I tell my neighbours , explain how long it will go on etc and even say if it get's to much just let me know even though I never have to do this often as we don't make a deal of noise

It is however no good for anxiety as you are tense in-between the noise stopping and starting because you are waiting for it to start again

I just don't believe though that when it is a lovely day and most will be coming home from work and want their tea in peace he starts with his noise and you get the feeling he is going to be one of those that always has to be doing something even though when you look you are never quite sure what he has actually supposed to have done :-/

He once told me his wife drinks a bottle of wine a day , I am starting to understand why she has to :-D x

in reply to

Jeez he’s a nightmare for sure!

Think I’d drink a bottle of wine living with him hahaha

Hope eventually you get chance to get the message across.

I do feel your pain, it seriously is horrible for anxiety


in reply to

Thank You Hidden I hope I do to :-)

Just about t have our tea obviously not going to sit outside with this noise but we have to have the windows open it is so hot and it is like been sat outside it is that loud and it is enough to put you of wanting to eat !

I already have digestive issues and this is not going to help one bit !

Anyway moan over , I might let my Son have his TV on that little bit higher when England play and hope they are wanting some quite time when I do :-/ x

in reply to

The England match yes , loud Love it...!

Take care 💕🌺🌺

Miss-P74 profile image
Miss-P74 in reply to

Awww lulu. I’m sorry. Surely this can be stopped ? Can you write a letter and complain ? I hate this sort of human. I have had bad times too with an old neighbour. I went to my MP to get help. It worked!

Very warm isn’t it. I must say. I do love the sunshine. I work in office so hardly see enough of it.

No worries. Nice to be nice ! X

in reply to Miss-P74

Hello Miss-P74 :-)

They are new neighbours only been here 7 weeks this Friday but feels like 7 years already , I am hoping that they will calm down but if not I would do something like maybe talk to the local MP

Very warm , night time is so warm to and I bet it is maybe hot in the office unless you have air con but imagine you miss the daylight , hope you make up for it on your days of :-) x

Miss-P74 profile image
Miss-P74 in reply to

They certainly making themselves known!! I hope you do finally get some peace lulu. It must be very annoying and quite distressing.

Yes. Very warm! Night is uncomfortable too

Yes. We have air con. Freezing . Can’t win! 😂

Do go to your MP if gets any worse.

All the best. X

in reply to Miss-P74

Thank You :-) x

Hi Miss-P74

Sorry to hear this.

I know Claire weeeks is good I do hope it helps.

Bit late but Happy birthday 🎉🎉

Miss-P74 profile image
Miss-P74 in reply to

Aww thank you Olivia! Your very kind 💕

in reply to Miss-P74

Your welcome ! 🌺🌼🌺🌼

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