I'm lying in bed with a margarine and full of Anxitey, as I can't stay in with my Anxitey I have to get up and get out the house anywhere, so I'm really really struggling with both, you don't live a life with Anxitey and depression its hell
Sick of Anxitey : I'm lying in bed with... - Living with Anxiety
Sick of Anxitey

That's my phone spelling things wrong it should say " Iv got a Miagraine "
Hey There, are you in any meds at the moment ?
Yes sertraline but it's not them that's causing the Miagraine
Hi Sandraan, you've been so supportive and kind replying to my post, so I thought I'd see what your up to and see if I can offer any support.
I'm really sorry your sufferring with migranes, I get them sometimes. Do you think they're caused my the anxiety? Does it feel like the pressure of anxious feeling is building up until it's really painful and tight? That's how I get them sometimes, the rest of the time i find they're caused by me having done something really stressful and then I get a sort of bruised feeling after the anxiety has come to a climax and then the pressure releases. Sorry don't know if that makes any sense but I thought I'd share because I've found identifying the cause if the headache helps me not to stress so much about why its so painful, which can then in turn makes it worse.
Have you tried any meds for them? I know Sumatriptan is meant to really help with them. I prefer Amitryptilline, it anti anxiety, a pain killer helps me sleep and is also meant to prevent migranes!
Also, I know you probably don't want to hear this because when starting a medication you feel you have to beleive it'll work and give it a few months to work but, I've tried sertraline and it caused the worse headaches (second only to the evil Venlafaxine) and I had to got of it because of this. However I admit I've found that SSRIs dont react well with me and now have to steer clear of them because of this.
I hope I've been some help and comfort as you have been to me. I hope you feel better soon and I agree life with anxiety and depression is hell but I hope some if what I've suggested might offer some relief for you. Xxxx
Thank you so very much for replying and your comforting words of support, I wake of a morning terrified with fear, how am I going to get through the next hour never mind the day ( I'm TERRIFED ) I feel so vey very alone so frightened of the future and that I'm going to stay like this, I can't cope with it any longer the feelings are far to much for Me to take I just wish somebody could help me
I'm really sorry you feel like that. I know how it feels and it intolerable. But you do have us here on this site. I know it's not the same as having physical people around you being supportive but it's the next best thing. Just try and take each hour at a time, you don't have to think about what's next yet. Have you tried breathing exercises to help calm your breathing and slow your heart? There lots on the Internet you can listen to that talk you through it. I find breathing exercises help the most when feeling like that. Have you taked to a doctor about this? If need be they could come to you, it's within your right to request a home visit. And then you could ask for some more immediate help from meds like Buspirone or Diazapam. Don't be afraid to to tell doctor what you want. I've found with meds GPs are pretty useless with meds, they'll give you whatever you ask for most of the time. But they can help with getting you assessed and finding you a therapist.
Try and think positively, there are tools available to help you, you just have to know where to find them and then you can start feeling like you a future again.
Hope this helps. And remember you are not alone! Keep going you can do it Xxxx
Thank you so very much Iv been suffering since January's I had a break down and just can't. Get myself right I try everyday but it's not enough I'm trapped in a rut that's impossible for me to get out off, as you know apart from medication there's not much a doctor can do I have got a counsellor but. The last few weeks she's been off and I'm changing to another as she is going off pregnant, but it's not enough I'm so very freighted apart from getting up and getting. Out the house I do nothing at all I'm so a afraid, I know how silly this sounds but it's like you just freeze I can't tell how bad I feel it's the most frighting feeling with no end to it thank you for being there I need all the help I can get so really appreacite your help