Symptoms occured after a sudden one minute onset of extreme head squeezing , tongue painful squeeze and numbness and right side numbness pins and needles
Pins and needles all over my body spe... - Living with Anxiety
Pins and needles all over my body specially right side, burning tongue symptoms, fatigue, head pressure, right ear sound what are the cause

Hi! I notice no one has replied to you, and I thought that I would try to do so - even though I am certainly not qualified to do so. You don't mention, in your post, anything relating to Kidney disease; do you have kidney problems?
Have you been to your G.P with these symptoms? - that is the first thing you should do; some of your symptoms are ones of which that I have experience, but, collectively, they sound unusual.
"right side pins and needles" sounds vaguely like a trapped nerve somewhere in the spine; have you damaged your back at any time? "right ear sound" sounds like tinnitus, which I and many others suffer from, and could be anything from having damaged the ear by listening to very loud music to a side effect of certain medication, or sometimes - just a simple build-up of ear wax.
Head pressure could be as a result of a lot of things, but commonly tension; fatigue, again, can be caused by many things; depression, Kidney disease, anaemia, high blood pressure - to name but a few.
All I can suggest is that you see your G.P and ask to have blood tests (full bloods, kidney and liver function), have your blood pressure checked, and that you should tell him/her about all the symptoms you experience - they certainly sound disconcerting, and you should try to get some answers; having no answers to any of this can only make you feel worse - through worry.
I hope you "get sorted" - best of luck, and I hope that you find the cause of all these most uncomfortable distressing symptoms.
hi there,
Its weird but I feel as if I am getting similar symptoms to yourself since i have been tapering off predisnolone by 2.5mg every week from 20 - 10 which I am still on since August.
My left ear has been aching, i'm not getting any ringing sounds but the opposite, I feel as if I have lost some hearing (30%) and I have been getting pins and needles roughly same amount of time but I'd say from July. and it just comes from nowhere, sometimes it could be just the one had and sometimes its both feet....and i dont even have to be moving neccessarily. I have been getting headaches too. GP referred to me an audiologist, tomorrow - so we'll see what they say about the hearing. GP sounded empathetic about the side effects I am feeling and getting but I think his afraid of giving me any medications and always suggests I wait to see my consultant.
But please do let me know what they say.
I have GPA Vasculitis by the way. diagnosed in Feb this year.
Yes i saw my GP and neurologist and did blood tests imaging...etc, the night that sudden symptoms occurred was on the 3 of august and on the 8 of august i did mra and mri with contrast for the brain in the US and came back normal, now another neurologist told me you might had SAH except now it is too late to find out even if they do a ct scan and LP for you which they did at the hospital and it was useless and normal also and he told the only way to find out now in this time frame is CTA so i did one came normal, other blood tests for autoimmune like ana, anca, crp, esr....also came normal and all blood work kidney, liver, tsh, b12, ck....etc
And now i am stuck with my unpleasant symptoms with no diagnosis, it is like i had a stroke or brain bleeding but they never caught it and now i am suffering from those symptoms as a result of that mysterious day
I think something happened to my central nervous system that is giving me those symptoms specially the burning mouth syndrome and tongue, and recent researches say that this is caused by brain nerve damage and nothing else
Hello, I stumbled upon your question from google. How is your health now? Any diagnsis?
I have similar symptoms, but didn't have the "head squeezing". I'm curing myself as a chronic mercury intoxication, have a look at Cutler Protocol. Right ear sound is also typical of Mercury intoxication.