This seems too much of a coincidence but I had just posted what you read below to a friend of mine (who has doctors and surgeons in his family - all obese). When I went to check my inbox.
It was in response to a video he sent me, link below. This was my response:
Essentially this has been my take James, getting the disease is as inevitable as catching a cold.
One thing I did pick up on was the comment on the epidemiologist who changed the initial UK strategy where he said (paraphrasing) " one has done so much damage in the history...". Well, I can tell you that there is, and his name is Ancel Keys, the man whose arrogance foisted upon the whole world that heart disease is down to saturated fat. His policy, taken up by the Nixon administration has been responsible for more premature deaths than probably all recorded historical wars combined. Have a look at the pictures of the people who have died - it's a daily fear fest we see on TV designed to keep us in line. Most are obese. Period. All those who are obese are insulin resistant. Period. And mostly diabetic or pre-diabetic. Factor in the fact that non-whites are far more liable to be diabetic and people of colour making up 14% of the population make up 34% of deaths just underlines this. 50% of NHS staff are overweight or obese.
Leaving out my particular take on LCHF if people simply went back to how we ate in the 50's most of the death toll would be mitigated.
Insulin and leptin resistance are the elephants in the room, with scientists scurrying around the skirting boards looking for tests, vaccines, PPE, ventilators (another take on that I'll discuss) pop up beds etc.
Definition of an expert? (and I know this is a sweeping statement).
Someone who knows a lot about little.
Link I posted doesn't work.
Copy and paste into the tube:
Why lockdowns are the wrong policy - Swedish expert Prof. Johan Giesecke