Hi I would like to join your community. I started a LCHF today!! So far so good but it feels so wrong to be eating cheese and cream! Yummy though!
New year, new start: Hi I would like to... - Low-Carb High-Fat...
New year, new start

Welcome Porridgelover
Iβm new too π
Can I say you will get so much support on here, everyone is ace.
Iβm starting tomm π
Cheese and cream sounds yum although not together lol
Well I have just eaten a pork chop with cauliflower cheese from a Keto recipe I found on line and it was delicious!! Can't believe it's supposed to be weight loss food. We'll see next Sunday when I weigh!
Now that sounds lush - did you have it with vegetables too?
Well, there was cauliflower, leeks, bacon, cheese and cream all baked in the oven. This was served with the pork chop - big portion - but no other veg. Carbs including veg carbs are restricted on this diet but you can eat until you are full (I think). Next Sunday will be interesting when I weigh.
That sounds like a fantastic meal! You're right, as long as you stick to low-carb vegetables like cauliflower and leeks, you can eat them ad lib. And once you're well into the weightloss phase (a couple of months from now), you should be able to reintroduce things like peas, swede, carrots, and sweetcorn, as long as they're occasional and in small amounts.
Ha ha ! It goes against everything we've ever been told doesn't it? But the food is lush and it WORKS !! Good luck ! x
Itβs really worked for me ! π
Nothing else did
Best wishes
Probably should change your name tho - see this link to sugar equivalences x
It does feel wrong but tastes so good. Ive been keto for 3 days and just in these 3 days ive lost atleast 2lbs. I find the foods filling and im no longer snacking. 1st time in a long time that i feel my appetite under control.
Welcome to the group and i hope it works well for you..

Whoop Whoop ! That's great news ! Soooo pleased for you ! x
Its so good, i dont even see it as a diet. For me its a lifestyle choice. Its even gotten my epilepsy under control. Even in a short space of time i feel so much better mentally and physically. Ive still got a long way to go to catch up to you though Lytham. Lol x

Awe mate, I'm so very chuffed for you, that's AWESOME ! well done you !
Thanks hun. Im chuffed. How are you? Had a good day? X

Every day is a good day eating cheese ! Lol wish I'd known about it years ago ! I'm telling everyone about it (even if they're not interested! Lol) x

Wow! Wonderful.
That's fantastic news - do let us know how that works out over the long term. LCHF (usually with "keto" level carbs) is actually a recognised mainstream treatment for epilepsy, so I'm really curious to hear how it pans out in your case.
We get quite a few people here saying that such-and-such a problem has cleared up; I think we had one other member who mentioned epilepsy a while back, too, but I've forgotten who it was.
My neurologist has actually put me on this and im to be monitored by my gp and a nutritionist. Meds havent worked in the past long term. Im hopeful that it will.

I'm a bit worried about breakfast though. As you can tell I like porridge and fruit for breakfast lol. I may get fed up with bacon and eggs!
There are recipes to make your own porridge using seeds etc which ive been told are really nice. I havent tried them myself yet.

Cottage cheese pancakes with berries I think. Sounds good but I have never tried psyllium husk powder or where to buy it!
I wouldnt have a clue tbh lol. Im a beginner lol tbh im strict keto i dont eat fruit not even berries.. and the powder ive never heard about.. haha. I used to love porridge too though. I cant say im missing it tbh

The husks were in a book I have bought to guide me through the Keto plan. I don't want to go to complicated though. Luckily I love cheese !
Think most of us are cheese lovers lol. I love dairy anyway esp yoghurt and cream.
You can get psyllium husk powder at Holland and Barratt - they sell it in packet titled "Colon Care". It's quite expensive (so best to get in on one of their specials), but a little goes a very long way.
I make "seed crackers" with it - 200g mixed seed (from Lidl) 1/2 tsp salt, 1&1/2 tablespoons psyllium husk. Mix together with 200ml water. Leave aside for 15 minutes, then spread mixture out on baking sheet. Score the mixture so it breaks more readily when baked. Bake for 1 hour or 1 hour and 20 minutes. The crackers will be quite dark, but delicious, and only 15g carbs for the whole batch.
What about poached eggs with avocado π₯ x
Would normally say on toast π¬ but then that would be like swearing sorry π
A lot of people end up ditching breakfast once you're eating a filling lunch and dinner, I only eat twice a day now ? x
Im only eating lunch and dinner with a creamy coffee for breakfast. My last meal was at 4pm and im still happily full x

Did you have any Keto flu symptoms?
No nothing like that but i do have bad breath atm. Took my tooth brush and mouth wash into work with me today. Its made me a little self concious if im honest. But hopefully it wont last too long.

Oh that's brilliant ! Makes a pleasant change from going to bed hungry ! x
I was never full before.

Let's see what tomorrow brings. My eyes are hurting now on this iPhone do I'm signing off! Night.
Good night hunni. Was nice chatting.

Me neither but no wonder if we were getting sugar spikes all the time from the carbs we thought we were being good with! x
Exactly. Do you know im not craving sugar. Ive basically just cut it out instantly and its not really bothered me x

Awe that's great ! I can honestly say the only thing I really miss is wine (but that's the case whenever I'm trying to lose weight) so pleased you're getting away with it ! x
Surely a treat every now and then wouldnt hurt? π you know 1 giant glass... lol

Some people do and still manage to lose weight, infact diet doctor say you can have the occasional glass of red wine, but I cant stop at one once the bottle is open! Lol x
I understand
If i open a bottle i have to finish it. Which is why its no good to drink esp as im epileptic. Sometimes if i really fancy it i will hava a glass but my husband is made to finish the bottle lol

Oh sorry to hear that, are you managing it ok?
Good job hubby likes wine! x
I wasnt before i started the KETO my epilepsy was uncontrollable with meds. Ive been on KETO for 5 days and it seems fully under control. Its def looking good. π x

I read somewhere that keto /lchf was first introduced for epileptic children, I have a brain tumor and was at risk of seizures which gratefully never happened but I wondered if lchf would make it less likely to happen. Im so pleased you've got it completely under control, it must be such a relief for you x
Im sorry to hear about your brain tumour. That would scare the death out of me. Hope its treatable? KETO is largely used in cases with childhood epilepsy but is also used in adults where medication has failed. Usually the last resort before surgery. Im in day 6 of KETO and im 5 days epilepsy free. Of ALL symptoms!!! Im soooo happy right now x

Ohh that's AMAZING !!!! So pleased for you, guess you'll be sticking with this forever now, awesome!
Yes, I had one removed and the other one zapped, so all good thanks ! x
So your all clear now? Wow one would be bad enough but 2!! Your obviously a very strong person to have gotten through that x
Remember there's no law that says you have to have "breakfasty" things for breakfast. You can have anything you like! We went through a phase of having salad, grilled chicken, and coffee for breakfast, although it was a lot of faff so that didn't last long ...
You probably will get sick of eating lots of fat after a few days. Don't force it down - listen to your appetite. That's your body telling you "I'm good, thanks - I've just discovered a motherlode of bodyfat to burn through, so I don't need so much bacon".
Haha i love this reply and i have 3 stone of fat to burn through too haha
That's about where I started. If all goes well, it'll be gone (mostly) in about six months. As noted you'll find that your appetite falls while your body is burning through it - you may feel inclined to switch to two meals a day, or two-and-a-half. Listen to your appetite and don't eat if you don't feel hungry.
The last 3 days ive been at work on 12hr shifts. Breakfast was coffee with double whipping cream and lunch at 3pm was a keto type quiche. Ive lost 6lb in 6 days! Which i know is water but it feels so good seeing and feeling the results so quickly im drinking loads of water too but i vertually have no appetite. It feels good not having constant cravings. I didnt realise what a control food had over me.

Great to hear your progress. I'm hot on your heels day 3 today! I expected to wake up with a headache but so far so good. I've dropped 3 1/2 lbs! Might not be eating enough though as I do feel a bit hungry - not surprising after all the junk I have been eating over Christmas. Anyway I have just had breakfast / bacon, mushrooms, tomato and 3 egg cheese omelette plus 2 cups of coffee with cream. A lot of food compared to my usual porridge and fruit! I'll see how the day pans out but I definitely feel "in the zone".
I would say since day 4 ive pretty much lost my appetite, although that could also be due to the amount of water im drinking. The water removes the metalic taste in my mouth. Try a keto fritata its basicall 4 eggs, half a cup of full fat cream and bacon. I add spinach but you can put in mushrooms, tomato, brocolli or cauliflour. Which ever appeal the most to you. Ive found it really filling but also tastes good x
I love your title of Ambassador, it gives off such authority so...β¦β¦β¦β¦β¦β¦β¦β¦β¦..
One of my many downfalls is salted cashews, how do they fit into LCHF? I know that I should be eating plain nuts etc., but lets be honest, they do not taste anywhere near as good!
Apart from that I have really stuck to Low Carb since Monday, today I got on the scales today and find I have put on 1lb!!!!! Come on! whats going on here?
I am on an awful lot of medication (for my fibromyalgia) but I really thought I might see a bit of movement, I have done 5000 steps everyday (a lot for me) and even joined a yoga class,
Reading other comments, the only thing I may have done wrong is not enough fat? I have had plenty of protein (Dr Atkins is embedded in my psyche!!! Butter on my veg, melted cheese on some of my meals, full fat yoghurts etc., HELP|||||||
Ha ... it's not much fun being an LCHF ambassador. You can't eat the Ferrero Rocher.
Cashews: They have quite a lot of carbs. Eat 100g of cashews and you've just burned your entire carb allowance for induction. Any other kind of nut is fine.
Salt: Don't restrict salt - nobody should be restricting salt, especially not during LCHF induction! "Salt is bad for you" is one of those bizarre medical obsessions that has zero experimental evidence for it, but it gets repeated as fact so often that even qualified people start believing in it. Your body controls its own Na/K balance and will drive you to eat salt if you're short. People left to their own devices consume the correct amount of salt. Any excess is simply excreted.
Medication: Your thyroid removal isn't going to help matters, and there are all kinds of medications that can mess up your metabolism. I mean really mess up your metabolism. It would be worth googling whatever-you're-on to see if this might be the case, and if it is, bring it up with your doctor. In the past, doctors would never prescribe more than 5 pills together because the overall effect is impossible to predict. These days, they're a lot more blasΓ©, and you may be able to eliminate one or more of those pills without any issues. It'd be a trial-and-error thing, but it's worth doing for the sake of your general health, not just from a weight-loss perspective.
Weight: I would try to avoid weighing yourself. I know it's tempting, but it's better just to look in the mirror. You probably haven't actually put on a pound - it's more likely just measurement error. Your bodyweight fluctuates by up to +/-2lb per day, and in any case, the initial weight loss (if any) is mostly water. Remember, this is an eating plan for life, so realistically it doesn't matter how long it takes as long as it goes, and stays gone
Fat: it sounds like your fat content is fine. During induction, aim for about 1.5g/kg per day, eg., if you weigh 70g then you should be eating no less than 100g. Don't obsess over calculating out your fat content. That's just a rough-and-ready check that you can do on one day's meals to see if you're in the ballpark. Protein you can basically ignore. The base of all your meals should be non-starchy veg so that that you (a) feel full and (b) get adequate vitamins, minerals, etc.
Do try to trust your appetite: eat when you're hungry, and stop when you're not. At some point you'll get sick of fatty meals and you'll feel inclined to dial it back a bit. Do it. That's when fat loss really starts to kick in.
If you get no visible results after 4 weeks, or if you're craving carbs, do a double-check on everything you're eating to make sure you haven't got some "hidden carbs".

When things feel wrong, it's sometimes because they're right
Welcome to the place where people get slim without punishing themselves with horrible meals!
Itβs great isnβt it π€£ good luck on your weight loss journey

Unfortunately, pretty much everything is contaminated with who-knows-what these days! Glyphosate is the least of your worries; the usual problem with industrial sweetcorn is a systemic insecticide (eg., chlorantraniliprole) to combat earworm.
I often suggest to people that their best bet is to buy from their local market gardener or smallholder - in general, those guys avoid chemicals because they understand that they're pointless. My sweetcorn is absolutely chemical free, if anyone's interested
Anyway, my point was merely that carbs aren't evil, as long as you keep to moderate amounts. Once you've done your keto phase, you can introduce different veg that were originally "forbidden". Sweetcorn was just an example.

>> Most corn and maize is deliberately subjected to glyphosate/roundup.
As are many other things. The planet is swimming in invisible pollution and it's hard to avoid.
I'm not trying to convince you to eat herbicides, but glyphosate is less likely to appear on your veg these days because farmers quickly noticed that the weeds were developing resistance. "Roundup ready" crops (those that will tolerate a herbicide application) are therefore less useful, and farmers are now going back to spraying-off the field first with a pre-emergence herbicide, and then leaving the crop alone.
Obviously, this isn't exactly a good thing. I'm just saying that industrial sweetcorn is probably no better or worse than any other veg; to avoid agricultural chemicals, you need to go to the renegade growers who don't grow things conventionally.

Yes, I know. It's still being used in large amounts. I'm just saying that (a) it's less likely to be directly applied to crops because farmers are no longer getting good results with "roundup ready" crops and (b) it's just one of many chemicals that are in use, and there are others that are far more hazardous. Simply avoiding sweetcorn is not going to help much.

Yes, exactly. That's about the only solution. On the bright side, there's usually a modest selection of organic vegetables in most supermarkets (even though they're massively marked-up, thus putting them out of range of the average punter).
I completely agree that pesticides/herbicides shouldn't be available to the general public. It's mad.
Has anyone noticed the number of diet adverts on tv at the moment! The advertising people are going full out at the moment.