Hi I am just wondering if this diet is ok for me to do even though i do not have diabetes. I have seen the positive effects of lo carb on other people and wonder if it would be ok for me. I need to lose 2 stone and start exercising. Thanks
Advice for 21 year old: Hi I am just... - Low-Carb High-Fat...
Advice for 21 year old

Yes. If you follow the protocol you will lose the weight and never have to worry about diabetes.
I’ve just started trying to follow a LCHF diet and I don’t have diabetes. I am enjoying it so far. Give it a go. 😊

Yes, it's absolutely fine for almost anyone - diabetics follow the diet because they're literally unable to metabolise carbohydrates properly, but it has many positive health benefits for "normal" people too.
You probably won't feel like exercising during induction (the first couple of weeks) but after that you'll be full of energy and ready to go.
For what it's worth: I lost about 2 stone in six months.
Did you have any particular concerns?
Hello and thank you
Just that it might do me some long term damage?!?
My mum does it and it's the one for weight loss plus she is active too.
Thanks v much. I've looked in Atki s website but I guess there is a NHS one too.. Prob under diabetes help? Will check
Thank you
Honestly ... I wouldn't pay much attention to the NHS pages on low carb. Their characterization of the diet is so off-base I suspect they got their information about it from YouTube.
If you scroll back a few weeks, there's a series of posts on how to do LCHF, in detail. The diet consists of vegetables, meat, eggs, and dairy (in roughly that order). It puts a heavy emphasis on enjoying your food, using fresh wholesome ingredients, variety, and home cooking. I simply can't wrap my head around the fact that some people believe this to be dangerous.
The fact that your mum does it is great. I'm sure she can offer you plenty of support and exchange recipes with you!
Hi knit 21 I'm 25 and u til recently I was also following lchf (I stopped because I have in to temptation one day and haven't had the willpower to get back on track!!) And at first I struggled.as my body was adapting but once adapted I loved it. I never felt hungry between meals whereas now I constantly do!! I'm not diabetic either