New Year is here and I really have to knuckle down and shift 5 plus stone. I'd started a few weeks ago but put back all the weight I'd lost over Christmas. Why is sugar SO addictive. I find once I start, I just can't stop eating. .Wishing everyone else here well for your weight loss journeys this year! ☺
New Years plan: New Year is here and I... - Low-Carb High-Fat...
New Years plan

Hi and welcome Claire
I leave the scientific stuff to those far more knowledgable then me It's enough for me to know that sugar is addictive and therefore eliminate it from my diet. Fortunately, the less you eat, the less you want, so in a very short space of time, the cravings fade away.
I would be lying if I said I don't wish I could have something sweet, but I make do with a nice cup of coffee with a big glug of cream
If you'd like to join me on my Trimming the Fat thread, I'd be delighted to have company. I guess the LCHF diet is so good, there aren't many fatties
Here's to 2016 seeing the back of those extra 5 stones
Thank you very much. It's great to find such wonderful online support. Think it's what I really need. Yes hope 2016 is a successful year for us all 😀
Hi moreorless interested in the diet you mentioned in here, what sort of diet is it and is it difficult to keep to. Thanks and a Happy and healthy new yew to you Sann
Hi sann,
The easiest way to inform you, is by giving you this link
It takes a while to get used to, but isn't difficult to stick to, because you're never hungry and you eliminate foods that are addictive and cause cravings.
It definitely works too, I've lost 3st in 17 weeks
Good luck
Thanks very much for all the info. Very interesting. The best weight loss results I've ever had (about 10 yrs ago) have been through restricting all refined carbs. Just gotta work on weaning myself off them after a very over indulgent Christmas 😀
Me too, i have at least 4 to 5 stone to lose. I did found when i tried lchf a couple of months ago that the weight dropped off and i didnt feel hungry, and didnt seem to crave sweet things, i think the trick is just to stick with it. I realise now that i cant eat carbs, they do make me feel ill, if you tginkbabout them like that maybe it will help?? Good luck!! We're all in the same boat!!!