Hi folks, advice welcome please, did a sugar detox and started pretty much doing keto end of Oct 24, so 3 months ago as decided i wanted to shift 3 stone. Then got a hacking persistent cough in middle of December (15th) that lasted 3.5 weeks, clear light green then back to clear phlegm, mostly slept awful, then it subsided but was left with a lot of mucus in throat to the point i was scared id choke at night as throat valves seemed to close off. Mucus has since cleared a lot and im thinking it was due to maybe a lactose reaction as i went from vitually vegan, to meat, dairy (extra thick cream lord knows why) and high fats, so im wondering if i've caused any issue in body ie one extreme to the other dietwise or was it just that viral thing going around despite no flu symptoms at all ie chills, fever, diarrhea etc.....also a neighbour in Dec as it was coldish, burning logs a few doors down and i always slept (not now) with my windows slightly open to get fresh air in and im wondering if this toxic air has got into my lungs and caused irritation or copd or something? Sputum test for viral/bacterial infection came back neg from docs so what was it? Breathing hasnt been laboured nor was I short of breath? Any ideas welcome! Only concerned as i care for my 89 yr old mum and she needs me well! Thanks.
Keto and IF three months ago, has it ... - Low-Carb High-Fat...
Keto and IF three months ago, has it made me ill??

Hello badsgal
It does sound likely that your extreme change of diet has affected you. Try giving up dairy or going lactose free to see if that helps.
Inhaling woodsmoke might increase your coughing but isn’t going to give you Copd overnight. The effect should be temporary as your lung lining renews itself, like the other cells in your body. Try to get as much exercise as you can to improve your lung function.
Good luck with getting this sorted out.
Lots of people, including me, had that same horrible cough virus and I don't think any of your symptoms are related to your new diet. Took me 6 weeks to clear it.
Good luck with the LCHF.
I had it in November and still trying to shift it, I don’t think it has anything to do with your new diet!
Hello badsgal,
I do hope you that you are feeling better now. I am sure caring for your Mum needs you to be in good health.
Did you stick with keto or change to some thing else and have you lost some weight?
My husband, who hasn't as yet joined any Health Unlocked forums wanted me to pass on his thoughts, as follows:
As somebody who has suffered with severe asthma for many tears, along with recurrent chest infections, and having switched to a ketogenic diet about 5 years ago, may I offer a few thoughts.
A ketogenic diet is generally considered to reduce inflammation due to a reduction in insulin levels. My health has been generally better on this diet, nevertheless some foods that can be included in a ketogenic diet may be problematic:
All so-called vegetable oils with the possible exception of (virgin) olive oil are high in omega-6 Poly Unsaturated Fatty Acids (PUFA’s) which are considered to be pro-inflammatory and I avoid these
Many seeds and nuts are also high in Omega-6 PUFA’s and hence I keep these to a minimum, although some are better than others; compare walnuts which are relatively low in Omega-6 with with almonds which are very high so there is some scope for adjustment rather than complete avoidance.
Most cows' milk in the UK contains the protein beta-casein A1 which can exacerbate chest and other allergies. I am currently avoiding beta-casein A1 cows’ milk products such as cheese, yoghurt and milk, replacing these with sheeps' or goats' milk products which contain only beta-casein A2 (which is safe). Note that there are quite a range of sheeps' and goats' milk cheeses available, for example Manchego, Feta - but read the label since some feta-like cheese is made from cows’ milk and Roquefort. Double cream and butter contain virtually no beta-casein A1 and I consume both freely (altough grass-fed is beat if you can find and afford it). I have yet to try milk from Jersey cattle which apparently does not contain beta-casein A1, so that is another option.
My personal suggestion would be to carry on with Keto so long as your health is stable, but try to remove some of the foods that are known to be problematic. It seems that the benefits of such changes can take several weeks to appear, so perseverance may be necessary.