Coming Soon - RARE DISEASE DAY 2020 - ITP Support Assoc...

ITP Support Association

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Coming Soon - RARE DISEASE DAY 2020

Anthonyh7 profile image
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For Rare Disease Day 2020, I have written a short article on my ITP blog looking at where ITP sits in comparison to other rare diseases.

The item also highlights the main symptoms of our rare, enigmatic illness and where to look for further information.

The blog item is at .... myownpurplepatch.simplesite...

Rare Disease Day is a great opportunity to make a wider audience aware of ITP and the many other rare conditions.

If we want to see change and improvement, we have to contribute and be a part of that change.

Please do try to get involved by checking out the Rare Disease Day website at ....

Even the smallest actions can help.

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Anthonyh7 profile image
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