Auto-immune Paleo Diet anyone? - ITP Support Assoc...

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Auto-immune Paleo Diet anyone?

ITPAffecty profile image
16 Replies

Hello All,

Like many of you all, even I am frustrated of ITP and Gut problems. So while researching if we could cure with diet changes, came across this 'Auto-immune paleo diet'. For sure it's very difficult to follow this as we need to eliminate most crucial food items. But is there anyone who has already tried and got any results??

UPDATE: 19th day into my diet. Yesterday my count had reduced from 50k(20 days back) to 24k. Still i don't want to break AIP as overall I am feeling good though not helping with platelets.!!

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ITPAffecty profile image
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16 Replies
Kyriak51 profile image

Hi, how long have you hat ITP, are you currently receiving treatment, what do you mean by “gut” problems? I’m not familiar with the “Auto-immune paleo diet”, I do have friends who have had great results with weight loss (40 lbs) using the paleo diet. A well balanced diet is essential to maintaining a healthy body but there’s NO diet that will cure ITP, sorry. Be well(:)

ITPAffecty profile image
ITPAffecty in reply to Kyriak51

My ITP was diagnosed 7 yrs ago and as for everyone it was roller coaster ride. After having baby I just stayed without medicine for 3 yrs with counts around 10-20 mostly. 8 months back started medication again with Promacta and counts r still hovering around 30-40. But past an yr I got some stomach issues and doctors didn’t find anything yet and I continue to feel flautulence and bloating everyday. Since most of auto immune conditions are related to healing gut(digestive system), thot of trying this diet if I can.!!

5bella5 profile image
5bella5 in reply to ITPAffecty

You are correct! Healthy gut,healthy platelets (for the most part). I was diagnosed with ITP 8 years ago and It was a nightmare. In utter desperation, I stopped eating GLUTEN completely! That was very difficult, but became easier as I went along. I also began eating the Korean "Birthday Soup" or "The Miracle Healing Soup" as its also called. My platelets gradually increased from 14,000 to 200,000! And I've finally begun to feel human again. One can find the soup recipe on YouTube. Good luck. Hope you feel better soon.😑

ITPAffecty profile image
ITPAffecty in reply to 5bella5

oh that's awesome to know.!! Thank you. I had tried gluten free diet for 1 or 2 months and didnt see any result so discontinued. How long did it take for you to see any result with the diets? I saw the soup vedio and and I cannot take beef so will see if i can make it without that. Your response is much appreciated.!!

5bella5 profile image
5bella5 in reply to ITPAffecty

It took quite a while to get my Gut in order. Not only did I go gluten free, I also began consuming homemade probiotics (Kim chi, with out sugar). You can have the Miracle Soup using either Tofu or organic chicken breast. Use gluten free Soy Sauce. Keep at it until you see a rise in your platelets. Best wishes

ITPAffecty profile image
ITPAffecty in reply to 5bella5

Will try all that. Thank you very much again.!!

sharroN42 profile image

When I was first diagnosed I followed the diet protocol listed on this website; no wine, coffee, blueberries, ginger, cranberries, little fish,etc and did raise my count from 17K to 67K. I took amalaki, an Ayurvedic treatment. I checked all things ingested by googling “ITP and ——-“. Since then I have not been as disciplined and am down to 25K. I’m now being very good because I have a tooth extraction coming up. Don’t want to give my wonderful dentist bad publicity by having an ambulance show up at her door.

ITPAffecty profile image
ITPAffecty in reply to sharroN42

Oh nice. Thanks for your reply. Now you have a reason to test the diet and see if it really helps.!! Good luck with your dentist episode.!! I use ginger everyday, i have heard its a blood thinner but still feels good with my tea.!!

Morgan profile image
Morgan in reply to sharroN42

Hi, I am suprised your dentist is doing the extraction, here in the UK I have to go to have extractions at hospital and have medication to raise platelets above 50k.

sharroN42 profile image
sharroN42 in reply to Morgan

Yikes! I'm in Canada. My haemotologist said I could have the extraction when I was at 37K. Neither he or my GP seem concerned.

Keep fingers crossed.


sharroN42 profile image

I know! I’ve heard the phrase “treat the symptoms, not the numbers” and as the haematologist said “you have to live”. So I indulge occasionally.

I’ve recently found a black tea and cardamom combination that I absolutely love.



CDmom profile image

Hi ITPAffecty,

My homeopathic doctor told me to go gluten free and decrease dairy to 3 times a week and eat a lot of fruits and veges last September, I did this and it either stopped or contributed to stopping my every 2 week crashing platelets and need for life saving IVIG treatments which went on from 5/17 to 10/17. (He also told me to eat organic and drink organic coffee.) I am cautiously optimistic with platelets between 150 and 250 since 11/17.

It can not hurt you to go gluten free and it may help! (and it is not that hard)

He put me on immuno modulating homeopathic pills too.

Good Luck


akhurram79 profile image
akhurram79 in reply to CDmom


this is informative

so can u guide what foods you are taking that boost your platelets and what food names you are avoiding and what are the pills name you are taking

ITPAffecty profile image
ITPAffecty in reply to CDmom

Wow, thanks for the inputs.!! I had tried homeopathy for 6 months without diet changes and it didn't do anything for my platelets.!! But the diet is giving some hope. Will try to start it soon.!!

Doris61 profile image

Afternoon ITPAffecty, I have had ITP since 2010 that I know about. I am over weight and last year I went on a diet similar to Paleo diet. There is no grain, no beef, no pork, only certain organic vegetables. NO dairy at all and I lost 35 lbs and felt great. No gut problems at all. On this diet it also called for a 5 day detox. When you detox you drink lemon juice and maple syrup and take supplements. I know you are saying 5 days but it really isn't too. It has no fruit for the first 22 days the idea is you are trying to keep your blood sugar from going up and down. So..... diet can help you feel better but I am not sure it will make ITP go away. While I was on this diet my platlets were up to 147 from 65

ITPAffecty profile image
ITPAffecty in reply to Doris61

Thanks Doris, thats nice to know. It would have been very tough for you to fill tummy without meat as veggies will be mostly low caloried right?

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