I've only been on here a short time, but I have been suffering with ITP for 10 months - a tiny amount of time compared to some of you! So far, my experience and judging from what I'm reading on this site, tells me that this condition is extremely difficult to treat since everyone seems to react differently and have different levels of being able to cope.
It has recently come to my attention, that there could very well be a correlation between past emotional trauma and physical ailments later on. Apparently, when we experience a trauma of some kind, we often internalise it's emotional effects and find ways of "coping" with "normal" living - often hiding the cause and effects of the trauma and in order to do this, our bodies produce an increase of adrenaline to keep us going. The long term effects of heightened adrenaline, which if you're living like this, feels "normal", is physically destructive in the long term.
I am very eager to do everything I can to alleviate myself of this horrible ITP and am therefore going to explore an area of my life that happened decades ago, but caused me real fear and trauma. Who knows, it could be that the emotional coping mechanisms that have worked for so long, are now causing my body to turn on me!
For me, it's worth a shot!
Please hear me, I am not suggesting everyone who has this condition may be harbouring some undealt with emotional "stuff" - I'm simply sharing what's come to light for me, and hoping that it may encourage others to consider it.
Would be interested to hear what others think.