How fast do platelets regenerate in people without ITP? My count went up from 66-95 with a week's worth of Prednisone 100mg, but it's hard to know how to put that into perspective without knowing a baseline. I assume everyone generates platelets differently, but is there any kind of "normal" I can compare against?
How fast do platelets regenerate? - ITP Support Assoc...
How fast do platelets regenerate?
Mine have jumped from 7 to 61 in 2 days when I had an IVIG. They drop just as fast though! No idea what's normal, would be interested to know also.
I can have a blood test on two consecutive days and my count can have gone up by 20. Don't focus too much on the count, but how you feel. I have felt lousy at 58 and fine at 23. I don't have any treatment, just keep an eye on my rash, how tired I feel and if I am bruising, or bleeding slightly in my mouth without having just cleaned my teeth.
I had a count on a Monday of 2 and on Friday it was 965 - where is the base line with that? I suggest you keep a chart of your blood counts and then find out what your levels are. We are all very different. NickyD
When I was in Turkey, my platelet levels were doubling every day on 100mg Prednisolone via IV. I guess it depends on what else is going on in your body, as I picked up an infection, and they plummeted.
I had an IVIG on sept 26 and my platelets were at 369,000 when I left the hospital. last week Thursday I did labs and now there down to 130,000... which is good for me. We all went thru the steroid stage and it's no good especially the weight gain and staying up an the chest pains
Normal platelets in a normal body only last about 48 hours. With ITP they last even less time. This is why they do the bone marrow test, to see that your body is still producing platelets. With ITP, your platelets seem to be slightly larger than normal as they are mostly very young platelets only a few hours old. This is part of the reason why a count of 30 can be OK. You have abnormally low numbers of platelets but they are more active than people who do not have ITP.