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I am diagnosed having ITP

bingbing profile image
25 Replies

Hello. I have ITP. My hema recommended me to undergo Bone Marrow aspiration. My platelet at present is 114. Need advice if I need to undergo with the test? Scared and have no resources to pay for the test. I am currently unemployed and have two young kids.

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bingbing profile image
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25 Replies
NickyD profile image

If your count is 114 then you dont need any treatment. Are you bruising or bleeding? If your count drops to single figures then it becomes a little bit more important to start treatment.

bingbing profile image
bingbing in reply to NickyD

Yes, I was hospitalized last November 2013 for bleeding. my platelet dropped at 35. I do have ocassional gum bleeding and some hematoma lately.

Sameen profile image

You should take another hematologist-opinion

I'm with the others get a second opinion that number may be your normal not sure it would even be considered to be an itp diagnosis just relying on that have you been lower? any symptoms?

bingbing profile image
bingbing in reply to

I was transfused of platelet 4 packs of 700cc when my platelet dropped at 35. My nose and my gums bleed during that time. The hema said all symptoms were present. My other platelet count varies lately. It does goes up and down

luna70 profile image

Hi I think 114 is good . I would question why haemotologists wants to do the bone marrow aspiration. I went through the procedure when my platelets dropped to 5.

KarlsTart profile image
KarlsTart in reply to luna70

Because it diagnoses whether it's Ideopathic or Immune Thrombocytopaenic Purpura & there's no other way of finding out.

in reply to KarlsTart

It really doesn't. It shows whether you've got MDS or not, or lymphoma or leukaemia. But so does looking at the blood on a slide.

bingbing profile image
bingbing in reply to

my hema said its not leukemia after looking at the blood on the slides.

scaryteacher profile image

My count is between 30-50, and I have no treatment. 114 sounds pretty good to me.

bingbing profile image
bingbing in reply to scaryteacher

thanks your response gives me confidence that I could get through with this...

This bit of info helps us a bit more when giving you advice. ;-) A bone marrow biopsy is usually only done to rule out other things and thats how a diagnosis can be eventually made. If he already says you have itp the not much point unless he is looking for other stuff. He may just be being thorough but its certainly not neccesary especialy if you cant pay for it.

bingbing profile image
bingbing in reply to

the hema wants to be certain. you are right, my hema wants to be thorough with the findings.. and to determine whether or not I need medication or just go with the other remedies to get my platelet back to normal.

Dawnwarry profile image

My count is usually around 60 -70 and has been for many years with only a few times under 35. Never have any treatment as it usually right itself. 114 sound almost normal. I was told 150 and above is normal. Suggest a second opinion.

McGregor profile image

would be usual to have a bone marrow test to see whether you were not producing platelets or were producing them but your body was destroying them so this should happen before diagnosis not after. 114 is a safe level: here in Scotland you would not be treated, just monitored and if the count dropped to nearer 50 or below then treatment would be considered. I would not have the test if your blood is otherwise OK for red and white cells. If you did have it you could ask for a mild sedative e.g. midazolam to kill the pain. It is a brief procedure. At 114 you just have to be careful not to have a head injury. You can have surgery at that level.

kered profile image

I am with others on this one and not quite sure why a BNB is necessary at this stage if only ITP is suspected. Other probabilities such as HIV, HepatitisB and Heliobacter pylori as well as internal bleeding will be ruled out. But if the spleen and liver are normal and the blood cells show no abnormalities then ITP will be the diagnosis. A BMB will be suggested if there are no responses to treatments given following an ITP protocol starting with a steroid at high dose such as prednisolone . There are plenty of treatments available for ITP, and if splenectomy is mentioned at this stage do not are readily accept the offer. I would not get treated above a count of 20. Thrombocytopenia starts below 100,but for most people the counts drop to very low before physical symptoms become a problem.this does depend on the individual and other factors,for most of us a count of 35 would give few if any problems. If your counts do vary considerably then watch an wait would be a reasonable policy with an plan drawn up with the haematology for emergency treatment. A good idea is to carry a medical card or wear a bracelet with your name,condition and the haematology direct phone number on it.

Most of us have worried when first diagnosed but life does get better and major problems from ITP itself is very,very rare. The key point is read up all you can about ITP from the ITP Association's website and also the American PDSA.org site and join in the Discussion. Remember you are not alone and part of a large group of people who understand and communicate.

kered profile image
kered in reply to kered

The last part of my comment,a question,did not get transmitted. How long have you had ITP as you did not state that? Derek

bingbing profile image
bingbing in reply to kered

I was hospitalized for low platelet twice, first was on 2011 when I was pregnant with my second child however the findings was dengue, then second time around I was hospitalized in November 2013 because of low platelet again. This time the attending doctor said I should consult a hema since I had no fever and my labtest were normal. It was April of this year that I consulted the hema and after series of labtests i go through shows that only my platelet is relatively low. three tests were done on separate dates and the result shows varied figures. It was this August that I was diagnosed of ITP

22-patience profile image

I am certainly not an authority on this but my doctor did nothing about my low platelets until they were near 20,000. That is a lot fewer than yours ----if I understand that you are saying you have 114,000. That's low, granted, but I've heard a count above 50,000 is quite safe. I'd be verrrrrrry happy with 50,000.

mine is the oppisite ,my platetes raised to 465 so waiting to see heamotoligist , feeling worried , my Gp doesnt seem to concerned but as its never been high before ,she playing safe i guess

sajidkiani profile image

no need to do any thing just see symptoms .and count platelets drop less then 30000 then u have to go for Bone marrow if not dont worry .platelets goes down in normal man in routine life if got any infections.

so dont worry it will go at its own

Sameen profile image

Platelets count => 100 ---no bleeding ---- no treatment

Platelets count => 50 ---no bleeding ---- no treatment

Platelets count = 20 ---no bleeding ---- no treatment

Platelets count = 10 ---no bleeding ---- no treatment

Platelets count < 10 --- bleeding ---- treatment : treatment#01: steroid for 5 days , treatment#02: IVIG injection, may be need bone marrow test if your doctor want to. REMEMBER you are taking steroid then bone marrow test is not giving you the accurate result. if your other blood component like RBC, WBC etc is not normal then you need to do the BM test.

Giving blood / platelet is not very helpful most of the time. when platelet count increase all the rashes remove automatically.

ITP cure within 2 to 6 months.

Finally you should go to a good hematologist and follow his advice.

take care….

bingbing profile image
bingbing in reply to Sameen

Thank you. very informative... I will consider get a second opinion

KarlsTart profile image

114.000 is absolutely brilliant for a platelet count of a ITP sufferer.

The bone marrow test will tell you which it is you've got either Ideopathic or Immune, I've got the latter which was diagnosed after having a platelet count of 10.000 not trying to alarm you but having your platelet count drop that low is damn scary.

I have had a platelet count as low as 1.000 which by rights should've killed me, I have had a full splenectomy in an attempt to cure me the success rate is 25/75%, 25% of failure & 75% of success sadly I fell into the 25% that it didn't cure.

My platelet count last time was 132.000 which for me is fab & I don't let it rule my life, I live with it along with restrictions but I live life to the full without cottonwool padding. xXx

bingbing profile image
bingbing in reply to KarlsTart

maybe thats why my hema wants me to undergo bone marrow aspiration. to determine wheter or not it is ideopathic or immune.. thanks

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